chapter 20 tear It Off and snap out of it

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3rd person POV.

Currently aboard the naked soul Satsuki is sitting at her command post drinking her tea when suddenly an alarm sounds

Houka: unknown bogey coming this way!

Aikuro: what is it?

Houka: I don't know that's why it's unknown

As soon as the dust cleared the object revealed itself to be ryuko wearing Junketsu.

As soon as the dust cleared the object revealed itself to be ryuko wearing Junketsu

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Ryuko: now that I got your attention it's time to bust some heads

Aikuro: and there's our worst case scenario

Houka: guys if we don't want to be sunk by a high schoolgirl we better do something and fast

Ryuko was currently destroying the ship while laughing like a lunatic Tsumugu got into his custom DTR and went on the offencive Satsuki saw something sneak aboard the ship so she went off on her own to go investigate.

Satsuki POV.

Satsuki went down to the lower levels of the ship to investigate she started hearing noises and out of nowhere she was attacked by the intruder suddenly she realized that the Intruder was Kamui Senketsu

Satsuki: oh it's just you

Satsuki sheathed her blade and begin to walk away when suddenly she got an idea she grabbed the Kamui and took it with her.

3rd person POV.

Right now Tsumugu is shooting at ryuko but his projectiles are just bouncing off of her Ryuko swings her scissor blade and manages to knock him backwards

Ryuko: look at mr. Mohawk driving with his ass hanging out time to die

I don't know where a brilliant bright light shined behind ryoko she turned around to see her sister Satsuki wearing Kamui Senketsu

Ryuko: well look what we got here teaming up against me huh you just made my day

Satsuki: I know how much you must hate me but right now you and I are the only ones who can stop her lend me your power Senketsu and to think you were my little sister once

Ryuko: and you're playing that card don't make me puke

Satsuki: you know I won't hold back I'll Crush anyone who becomes a puppet to life fibers even you let's begin

Satsuki transforms into her borrowed Kamui

Satsuki: Life Fiber synchronize Kamui Senketsu!

So began their epic battle Satsuki unsheathed her blade and ignited her darksaber Satsuki blocked the oncoming attack.

Ryuko: so now you got your Bakuzan and the darksaber you know a little gift from my soon-to-be husband won't save you

Satsuki: I do not care what you say these blades are the symbol of my resolve and of my ambitions and as long as they remain we will be victorious!

The Lost Sith Lord (Male Sith Reader x Kill la Kill)Where stories live. Discover now