10. A blessing

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I waited.
I waited for the the pain. For the moment I would take my final breath.
Even though it would smell like Gaea's breath.

But it never came.
I slowely opened my eyes.

Maybe I was already dead and arived in the underworld.

But I was looking straight at Gaea's ugly face.
She was in shock. But she wasn't looking at me.
She looked at something behind me.

I took advantage of her being distracted.
I kicked her with all my strength and with a lot of pain. She stumbled backwards.
And I stood up quickly.

As she fell on the ground she quickly god submerged into it, disappearing.
Her army backs up.

I looked behind me to see what she was so shocked about.

And I didn't believe it.

All the gods were standing there. Even hades! But I dont see Hetsia.
Then the dome on my left side lights up. There she is.

"Not that I am complaining. But what are you guys doing here?" I ask.

They never show themselves during a battle.
I turned around as soon as I realised the army were still there. And Gaea is nowhere to be seen.

"We heard your prayers." Zeus says.

"We are here to help you son." Poseidon says. He looks at me with pride.

"What's in it for you? You never help your children during battle. Usually you let them die." I ask looking at the gods.

They dont look at me.

"Percy. You are willing to lay down your life for your friends and you kept faithful even though we didn't help." Hades says.

"But your father opened our eyes. You have helped us many times." Artemis says.

"Even though Gaea was controlling you. She made a point. You saved us. You are powerful and we should be more grateful you are on our side." Hermes says.

I nod. Still wondering why Gaea hasn't attacked.

"Don't worry Percy. She won't attack when we are here." Athena says reassuring me.

"Look. I am sorry for whatever happened in Greece. I am. I hope you forgive me." I say mostly looking at my father.

"It's okay son. You are back now." Poseidon says.

"Kid it was a great batlle. But don't think I am going to forget it kid." Ares says with a huge grin on his face.

"Thank you." I say.

"Back to buisness. Percy we are here to give our blessings." Zeus says. Some gods look sad.

"What is it? There is something you are not telling me." I say.

"It is dangerous son. There is a reason we never have done this. We don't know the consequences." Poseidon says.

"It's okay. I am willing to do anything." I say.

Apollo walked towards me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I began to feel better. He healed my wounds.

"Goodluck Percy. You have my blessing. You are able to heal all your friends after battle." He says before stepping back.

Hephaestus walked towards me. Putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I give you the power of flames. Like my son Leo. Goodluck."

Demeter stepped towards me. She too lays her hand on my shoulder.
"I give you power of restoring nature after the battle. A tip. During battle you can make them trip over roots. It's quite funny" she says and walks back.

Aphrodite walks over giving me a beautiful smile. She places her hand on my cheeck." I give you my blessing young hero. You are able to charmspeak and do everything with passion."

She walks away and I check myself to see if I have the same kind of blessing like Piper had. Luckily I don't .

Hermes walks to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder.
"I am afraid my blessing will not help you much during battle. But afterwards you will be able to deal with the Roman and Greek camps. Diplomacy is one of my many talents." He winks and walks back.

Athena walks to me.
"I bless you with wisdom during battle..." she puts her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for saving her. I don't think I have ever seen anyone sacrificing going to Tartaurus for the person they love."

I smile. And nod.
"I would do it again. For her." I say. She hesitates a second but pulls me into a hug. I am shocked but return the hug.

After a couple seconds she lets me go and walks back ignoring the looks of the other gods.

Ares walks over. Slamming his hand on my shoulder.
"I bless you with my fighting skills and knowledge of war." He says. "Nice work kid"

Zeus looks at Hera. She doesnt look too happy but she walks to me.

"I bless you and your family. You did well." She says while putting her hand on my shoulder. I nod and she walks away.

Hades walks towards me. He gently puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Percy. I admire your determination. You have fought well. I give you the ability to shadowtravel. But it will stop once the battle is over. It is something you dont want to use very ofter. Be careful." He says before walking back. I smile a little.

Zeus walks to me. He too puts his hand on my shoulder.
"You did good. I give you the power of lightning. But be careful. Dont use it too often. It takes a great deal of energy."
He says and walks away.

Then my father. He walks over with a smile.
But he just hugs me.

"I am so proud of you. You always have my blessing. But I give you more strength and you are now able to form small scale earthquakes." He says letting me go.

He looks at me.
"I have a little advice. Put down the dome. You are now the first demigod ever to have all our blessings. You are able to protect them. But they want to fight. It's in their nature. Give them a chance. Besides. I dont think they need to when you are fighting." He says with a wink.

I smile. "Thanks dad." He nods and walks back.

"Thank all of you. I am honored and I will not fail you." I say.

They smile and flash back to Olympus.
For a second there is not one sound.

Through the dome I can see my friends standing at the wall of my dome.

The army starts to move forward.
Screams start to grow louder and before I know Gaea is standing in front of them.
The army charges towards us.

I close my eyes and put my hand on the dome. I can feel power surging through my body. I smile.

I will the water to bend.

"Get clear of the water!" I yell. Everyone steps back from the dome.

Lightning strikes and electricity is going through the water. I feel the power of it.

I laugh.

Then I look at the monsters in the front.
They are still going but look uncertain.

I move my arm like throwing a baseball and the water shoots at the monsters.

The electricity still in the water electrocutes all the monsters the water touched. The enitre front line is gone.

I look at Gaea and smile.

Blessing of the godsWhere stories live. Discover now