15. Epiloge

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Percy's point of view:

It has been a month after the battle with Gaea.

I have restored the fields of battle together with Demeter kids. After I did that. Her blessing was gone. Honestly it was relieving whenever a blessing left.

The blessings of Zeus, Hades and Ares were gone as soon as the battle was over. Wich I didn't mind. Although shadowtraveling seemed pretty cool.

I healed the wounded together with Will.
And the Apollo blessing was gone too.

After we settled things with the Romans. And the blessings of Hermes and Aphrodite left. Maybe Athena too. But I wasn't sure.

The blessings of Hephaestus left after I used it together with Leo. We rebuild things in camp.

It was pretty cool and we bonded.
He explained a plan on getting back to Calypso. And I told him that if he needed help he could always come to me.

Hera also kept her promise.
My mom and Paul are safe and happy. I plan on visiting them as soon as camp is back to normal.

I dont think that my father is giving up his blessing. I can control water or any liquid beter than ever. And I may or may not have caused little earthquakes every now and then. I need to learn how to use that.

Annabeth and I are dealing with everything together.

We still have a lot of nightmares of Trtaurus and losing each other. But also very new ones of the last battle.

Annabeth used to have them daily. She would scream in her sleep and cry. I always ran to her and comforted her.

And everytime I had them I would wake up all alone and eventually I stopped sleeping.

Chiron has allowed us to sleep together in my cabin. We still have the nightmares but at least we are together.

Jason and Piper are still dating and Hazel and Frank are also still going strong.

Leo has been away for almost two weeks now. He left to find Calypso. Everyday we ask Nico if he knows if he is still alive. And everyday he tells us he is.
So all we can do is hope.

Nico and Will are dating too. After Nico told me he used to have a crush on me I was very surprised. But seeing him so happy with Will is great!

Jason and I talked to Will. If he broke Nico's heart he would have to deal with us.
Nico found out and threatened to personally deliver our soules to his father.

Right now Annabeth and I are walking towards the last campfire singalong this summer. Tomorrow some campers are going home.

Annabeth is going to live with me, my mom and Paul. She is going to the same school.
It is going to be the best year ever.

The campers are happy and talking. Some Romans have joined our famous campfire.

We sit next to Piper, Jason, Hazel and Frank.

Later Nico and Will join us too.

Chiron walks up to the small podium. The Band of Apollo stops playing. And the talking stops.

"It has been a strange and weird year. But we survived it. It was hard. Especially for our heroes. Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico, Annabeth and Percy. You have done a great job and I couldn't be prouder." A loud applause rises.

"For now. Let's enjoy this evening." Chiron says. And the band starts to play.

We talk and later in the evening the singalong starts. And before anyone could step forward. I was being dragged by Annabeth.

The campers look at us. Annabeth whispers something in my ear. I look at her.  

I never sing. Epecially not in public.

I give Annabeth a accusing look. If the campers all have hearingproblems it's going to be on her.

She turns around and whispers the song to the band. They start playing and she looks at me.

I know she isn't planning on singing. Maybe she will only sing along some words.

I close my eyes and take a breath and start singing.

It's a slower version of; fight song by Rachel platten.

We sang this song in Tartaurus and put us through hard times. I sing it for her whenever she can't fall asleep after a nightmare.

I only open my eyes to look at her. She looks so proud. I don't look at the public. Just her.

After I am done I dare to look at them and they start cheering.

"Where did you learn to sing like that Jackson?" Piper asks.

I shrug.

"Sing another song!" Hazel says clapping.

I look at Annabeth and she smiles at me filled with pride.

"Allright." I say lauging.

I sang a couple songs and the evening was almost over when we heard a familiar sound.


I look up and saw the big golden dragon.

"LEO!" A cheer went up from the crowd.

The dragon landed. And Leo was not the only person. Calypso sat behind him.

She looks the same as when I last saw her.
Leo helps her down. We gave him a big hug.
I let go and turned to calypso.

"Hey Calypso. I am so sorry. I should have-" but she hits me on my cheek.
"Yeah I deserved that." I say rubbing my face.

"Leo told me what you did. Is it true that when you turned down godhood you asked for my freedom instead?" She asks.

I nod. "It is. And I am sorry. I should have made sure you were released." I say.

She hugs me.

"It is alright young hero. If you did I wouldn't have met Leo." She says looking at him. 
He is explaining what happened with gestures. Everyone looks at him laughing.

"I am glad you found someone. He is a great kid." I say. She smiles.

"Yeah. He is." She says before walking back to him. She holds his hand and he blushes a little but continues telling his story.

I smile and walk towards Annabeth and hold her close to me.

This is perfect. 

I kiss Annabeth on her head.

"I love you wise girl." I whisper.

"I love you too seeweed brain." She says.

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