Chapter 12

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I fume as I wait for him to come back home. Sincerely I don't want to fight with him,but it isn't fair. He didn't call or text me to let me know why he's running late. I fell asleep waiting for him last night and he's still not back. I didn't call him because he should be the one calling.
My phone rings and I pick it up.
"Hello" I say calmly,It's Javier.
"Hey Kayla,I'm so sorry. I wanted to call you but I worked late into the night and when I remembered, it was too late. I'm sure you were already sleeping by then." He explains.
"I don't get why you would forget that you have a wife waiting for you at home" I complain,he should know what he did is bad.
"I'm really sorry,Layla...please forgive me,it won't happen again!" He pleads.
I sigh,quiet for a while then reply him. "Okay,I forgive you"
"Thank you,I'm coming home now" he says with joy,I could feel it.
"Alright,I'm waiting" I say before hanging up the call.
I took my bath,dressed and wait for him to come back home. Soon I hear the doorbell ringing. I open the door and he walk in,hugging me.
"I'm so sorry Layla..forgive me" he mumbles.
"No problem,Javier but I shouldn't happen again" I warn.
"I promise,it won't."
I smile and collect his suitcase from him."okay! Come in, I made you breakfast." I say holding his hand.
"Really? Wow!" He says following me into the dining room. I serve him the sandwiches I made for him with tea.
I watch him as he eat with admiration, I'm so proud I'm married to this man. He's everything a woman could ever want.
He coughs " I'm wondering if you would like to go out for dinner tonight."
I pout. "Of course,I have things to say to you"
He looks up. "What's that?"
I smile sheepishly "Nothing much,we will discuss it during the dinner"
He pauses "are you sure you don't want to tell me now? I'm already curious!".
I giggle " you don't have to be. Just promise me, you won't be offended."
He stares at me "is it that serious?"
I shake my head "No,just promise me!"
He raises his hand up. "Okay, I promise."
"Thank you,How was work?" I change the topic.
"It is so stressful. We are trying to close another deal. It has to work because I can't disappoint Dad" he says,putting a bite of sandwich into his mouth.
"Are you doing this for yourself or your dad?" I ask curiously.
"Of course I'm doing it for myself and the family!" He states.
"But why do you always worry about what your dad thinks of you?"
His face changes "shouldn't I be? He's my role model, I want to be like him. He has to acknowledge me" he stresses..
"I think he did already.. If not he wouldn't have given you free reign to control the company" I say encouragingly.
He slams his fist onto the table. "Can we just drop this topic...please?" He glares.
I stare at him in shock. I didn't mean anything bad,I was just encouraging him to believe he can do it. Why is he upset?
"Okay, I'm sorry" I say quietly.
He stands up and storms out of the dining room. I watch him go,wondering why he is so temperamental, smiling one minute,frowning the next.
I sign and walk into the parlour to watch my favourite movie 'the wedding party'.
I fall asleep halfway through. I wake up to see Javier tapping me,I open my eyes groggily.
"Hey Layla, it's 5:00pm. I think you should go get ready for the dinner.".
I cover my mouth,yawning. "Okay!" I say,standing up to get ready for the dinner..I pray it goes well.

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