Chapter 10

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*Layla's POV*
I wake up alone,I groggily open my eyes to the beauty of Javier's room. I wonder what the time is,I'm still so sleepy. I check my phone,it's 9:00am in the morning. How I wish I can sleep for the rest of the day but I know I have to get up now.
I Stand up to see that all my suitcases and bags are now in the room. I walk sluggishly to the bathroom, brush and take a shower. I change into a simple gown and cover my hair with a veil. I won't way Javier's mom to embarrass me,i see the way she looks at me..
Javier opens the door. " you are..I thought you're still sleeping. Wanted to wake you up for breakfast"
"I'm awake already" I say jokingly.
"I can see,let's go downstairs" he opens the door for me,and follows right behind me. They are all sitting at the dining table ready to have breakfast, Javier pulls a chair for me and sits right beside me.
"Good morning,everyone" I greet them with a cheerful smile.
"Good morning dear" Javier's Dad answers me.
"Good morning,Layla. How was you night?" Hedda asks smiling at me.
"Wonderful,yours?" I ask back.
"I'm sure it was, the after party and all..that must be the reason you didn't wake up for Subh." Mrs Sheraz comment without looking up from her food.
I feel so embarrassed, I should have expected this,Javier's mom doesn't like me at all.
"Mom!!" Hedda interjects.
"Hedda,stay out of this..she really needs to hear the truth. Javier,what are you doing? You should at least teach her how to pray and be respectable. She should know she have obligations as your wife which she shouldn't neglect."
I freeze,not knowing what to say? Should I apologize? For what? I don't even know what I did wrong. I feel so wronged,what did I do? I greeted them,and my hair is covered..I don't get why she is like this today.
I know I might say something wrong so I just keep quiet.
"Stop it,Nadia" Mr Sheraz cautions her. Tears are pooling up in my eyes,I look at Javier hoping he would say something but he didn't.
I look up, I'm stronger than this and I have vowed I would never let a mother in law boss me around.
"I'm sorry Mom,I'm sure I don't meet the standards of the daughter- in law you wanted but I'm going to try my best. I'm so sorry for all my mistakes. I promise you I'm going t change" I say strongly.
She murmurs under her breath but continue eating her food. Javier smiles at me weakly and gestures at me to eat my food.
I pick the fork and dig into the cooked yam and fried eggs but sincerely I lost my appetite.
After breakfast, I wash the dishes despite Hedda insisting I leave it for the kitchen help to do. I won't want my awesome mother in law to think I'm lazy. She already concluded that I'm not respectable.
I walk around the house to see if there is something else I can do to help but the whole place is cleaned up and arranged. I go back to Javier's room to rest a little, sincerely I'm bored already.
Javier is sitting on the bed, busy with his laptop,I lay down beside him bringing out my phone too.
I have a lot of messages from my mom,my aunt, Zanny and even Shahid. I read them all and reply to the messages. I log in to my social account and wishes are flying. Zanny helped me post my wedding pictures yesterday.
Javier drops his laptop on the bed looks at me and smiles. I smile back at him, wondering he was thinking."So for our honeymoon, where would you like to go? " he asks casually.
Oh gosh! It is finally happening,the trip I wanted to take all my life.
I pout " well,l would love to go to Paris and also want to visit Hawaii" he nods "alright we can go to both,but it's just about the time,I have Just two weeks to spare"
I sit up straight "that's okay it's just to have fun after all"
"Yeah ,you are right, so how are you doing today"
I bite my lips "I am fine but I am just wondering!"
"About what?"
"When are we going to move into our house"
I am thinking we move there immediately we are back from the honeymoon, or what do you think?" He suggests.
"I am so okay with it,l can't wait to leave this place" l blurt out subconsciously.
He stares at me for a while then "what do you mean by that" he asks.
"I...I mean I can wait for us to be alone together... You know in our own space" l shrug, blinking my eyes.l don't really want him to get the wrong impression.
"Is any one disturbing you here? Is it my mom ?" He asks turning around .
"No..not at all" l reply moving close to him. "I just want to be alone with my husband you know" I touch his shoulder,rubbing it gently.
He smiles and held my hand. "I am so lucky and blessed to have you as my wife" he gaze into my eyes lovingly.
"Me too" I whisper sincerely before his lips captures mine for a kiss.

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