Writing CountryHuman Accents

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Okay so basically I'm thinking to merge all of the GHBs into one, edit it and whatnot... I'm thinking of changing the speech as well. Here's a small preview:

(Versions of 'Wrap the bread up properly')

Russia: Snuggle bread like baby. Bread is baby.

Ukraine: Babies are gross, wrap it like Christmas present.

Belarus: Unless you are wrapping potato, I can not care less.

Kazakhstan: It.. is a good start?

America: C'mon, man, wrap the goddamn bread up better! 

Canada: Could.. you do a lil' bit better?

Australia: Oi, that's not good enough! Give it here-

New Zealand: Mate, just wrap the bread. Is it that hard to do? Actual?

UK/England: Come on, you can do better.

France: The baguette! Mon cher, that is not how you wrap it!

Germany: You're not vorking nearly as hard as I do, just give it here.

Poland: Uhm.. could I try wrap the bread up?

(Versions of their opinion on cats)

Russia: Cat is good. I like cat.

Ukraine: I do not very much care, ask someone else.

Belarus: Kitty? I love kitty!

Kazakhstan: They are fluffy... I like them.

America: Nah, dogs are tops. Cats are boring.

Canada: I like how quiet they are.

Australia: Hopefully they can keep some of the birds away, right mate?

New Zealand: I do like them... but, I have issues with them and my wildlife, my endangered birds... people think that cats should go outside, but I do definitely think not! Birds... (Rants on)

UK/England: It's either small dogs or cats. One or the other.

France: How cute! 

Germany: Zhey don't bozher me, I like zhem.

Poland: They're soft and peaceful. Why wouldn't I like them?

(Versions of 'F*ck you')

Russia: Go f*ck yourself.

Ukraine: You are like doppelgänger, but worse than I am in every aspect.

Belarus: May you stay virgin like the olives I grow.

Kazakhstan: Politely remove yourself from my life, thank you.

America: F*ck you, f*ck your family, f*ck everyone who likes you - oh wait, nobody likes you.

Canada: The door is that way.

Australia: Bloody c*nt, get your f*cking stupid ass b*tch face outta my life.

New Zealand: I will eat your intestines and crap on your grave.

UK/England: An eye for an eye, but I'm the one taking both of your eyes.

France: I will beat you with baguette.

Germany: You're useless, asshat.

Poland: How do people like you again?

So while I'm reworking, should I change the accent styles? If so, is there any way I could improve on them? How?

Okay imma just yeet myself back into writing

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