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Okay okay

Y'know that stereotype that American absolutely hate Russian's guts? I CAN PROVE NOT EVERY AMERICAN IS LIKE THAT.

Basically I was out with my brother in town and we had a drink, there was an American lady at the counter. She was like really cheerful and whatnot, all bubbly - even had a witch hat on from Halloween.

Then two people walked in - a guy who looked like he was in his teens, and an old lady there who looked like a Babushka. Hell, I was right! Here's the following conversation, but not exactly the same for I can't remember it word for word:

Old Lady: Could we have a table for two?
American waiter: Sure! What would you like? (since this was a coffee shop)
OL: I will have.. (can't remember what she ordered)
AW: What about you, sir? (She looked to the teenager. He just stood there and didn't speak.)
OL: Oh, sorry! My grandson only speaks Russian. He's not confident in his English.
(The American waiter just beamed. She basically asked what it was like in Russia and whatnot. Soon after, she mentioned that she hated people who hated a certain country because of stereotypes, and that she'd travelled all over Europe. She was a nice lady, and restored my faith about how Russians and Americans shouldn't hate eachother if you know what I mean.)

Awh that was so wholesome

She even gave a few pieces of candy to the Babushka and her grandson

W H O L e s o m e

I want the world to be like this, except I don't that'll happen anytime soon. Still, this was something nice that happened today

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