Writing Prompts - RusAme

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Want to write a RusAme story? Here's some writing prompts to give you some sort of inspiration:

1) Russia used his phone often. His FBI agent, America, secretly yearned for his attention. The thing is, in real life they knew eachother, but they hated one another.

2) Every country has a band around their wrist they can't remove with a timer engraved in it - a timer for when they meet their soulmate. They drop off once they've found their soulmate.  America's falls off after he accedently bumps into Russia.

3) The world is seperated strictly; Europe, Asia, Oceanea, America/South America, and Africa. America, unhappy of being the leader to his group of countries, decides to run away, finding out about a group named the 'Outer Rim'. He then finds ex-countries, like the USSR, Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire - except Russia is there too. What exactly happened in Europe?

4) WWIII - America was the main assistant of the leader in the Golden Cross, who was Great Britain; after finding out that nobody really wanted him on their side, he joins the enemy side - the Open Forces. He is soon promoted, and has been offered to meet the leader. Who, he finds out, is the one and only Russia.

5) Russia and America agate eachother with a burning passion. Somehow, at a party, they end up finding eachother, and for some reason, make out. They have no memory of this, but finds out when pictures of them making out appear all over the school.

Feel free to use any of them! Tag me in one or send me the link if you go through with it, I'd love seeing it! So yeah, have fun!

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