small update

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So if you've noticed, I have been wildly inactive since.. Saturday? Sunday? Not sure. Anyway, I'm going to update 25 Ways Of Dying tomorrow or the day after. Here's a few reasons I haven't been on:

1. I can't breathe.
Too much homework. I have - literally - nine assignments that need to be finished by the 11th. If I don't hand them in, I don't get good grades, I can't go to uni, all that shiz. I can't take much time for myself, once or twice I stayed up to like one in the morning to get something finished. I barely have any breathing space, only about half an hour on my phone in the evenings a day. So yeah, that's one reason.

2. Detoxing
I think I've mentioned I'm getting super jealous of other CountryHumans creators, like Markai Cat, CandyZONE, all of them. Detoxing from tech so that those feelings will hopefully decrease, hasn't worked so far.

3. Social
Yeah.. it's really complicated, I could go on and on and on what's happening in my family at the moment. But I'm not going to. All I'm really going to say is that my parents are basically ALWAYS away, never here. My brother is always at my granny's house or some place else, and I haven't had much support from them, simply because they can't be here.
Another thing, friends. I thought I found a group of friends, HELL WAS I WRONG. They never really liked me, asked me to leave in the middle of break time. Guess I'm on my own again.

4. Art Ambassador
Yeah, I'm an Art Ambassador. That means I have to arrange arts events, displays, displays in museums, help in art clubs, on top of it all, I need to travel around England often for it. We visit art galleries and all that jazz, but hey, what am I gonna do? It's kinda cool, but then I don't get me time, if you know what I mean.

5. Overall.
I don't get enough time for myself.
I can't work on better self esteem.
I am not in a good place.
But I mean, I can't talk to anyone in real life, so what's the big deal?


I'm gonna go ahead and try finish this homework I have here.

I'll see you all in upcoming updates.

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