rusame writing prompts #2

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America was a famous journalist - and God, was he good at it, too. He followed things carefully, replayed tapes, caught criminals... But his most interesting case was no way any of those things.

His most interesting case, as strange as it was, was following a country named Russia reintroduce communism in half of his country.

Just to save his father's life.

The worst thing was, though, was that America had found himself falling for Russia.

Russia got wasted every night. It wasn't uncommon that he would wake up with a country in his arms. But one particular morning, he couldn't remember what had happened in the past months. A country was in his arms, and he was afraid. It was his enemy.

"Didn't you say you loved me..?"

America was probably the most extroverted country everyone ever knew. He told wild tales of skydiving and scaling the tallest of buildings, his adventures far greater than anyone else's.

Well, that wasn't really the case. And Russia, who had been observing from the sidelines, had noticed.

Russia always had a strange tune stuck in his head. He never hummed it, he never shared it with anyone.. yet, one fateful day while strolling in the park, a familiar red, white and blue country hummed that exact tune.

Feel free to use any of these! Use the prints as descriptions or smthn, write a story.. I'll be sure to read it!

I hope you have a great day, or an amazing nights' sleep!

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