update real quick

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First have a picture of loNki

First have a picture of loNki

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How is he comfortable

Anyways so yes update

As a few may have noticed I've not been active lately. First I'm gonna say that I have like five thousand homework assignments a week, and to be honest I want to go to university in another country so uh good grades am I right

Second I am travelling SO MUCH. I've just moved house, I'm going to Germany and the Netherlands for Christmas so I need to start getting all my crap together with that, going to France, America and Norway in the next year and ug it's so hectic.

However, I'm pretty active on discord (I am Estonia on discord don't ask). My tag is
☭ Estonia ☭ #3260 for anyone who wants to add me oof

So uh yeah just dealing with a lot so I'll try updating more.

See y'all around :)

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