Chapter 7 The day of school

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It is Monday and the day after Crawford kissed me and we have school today.

I didn't want to go to school because Crawford would be there.

Don't get me wrong I like him but I get nervous around him.

Any way I got up ate breakfast and got dressed in a Croc top High waisted Pants with flowers on them and green vans.

I went down stairs and got Jake and took him to school and then I went to school.

When I got to school Karisma and Kiristin were waiting for me at my locker.

When I got over to them the just smiled at me.

I don't know what they were thinking but it's scaring me.

They asked what happened last night.
I told them about the rides and then the Farris wheel.

I said, "We were at the top and stopped he may of kissed me on the lips."

They practically screamed in my ear.

Then I asked, "Didn't Crawford tell you?"

They shook their heads and said that he went strait to his room.

After they said that I felt kinda bad because I really didn't kiss him back.

Instead I just asked what that was for and he told me I didn't talk to him the rest of the night.

I wanted to go see him but i don't know where he is.

I asked Kiristin if she knew where he was so I could talk to him.

She told me that he was at the janitor's closet.

So I went to the closet and I opened the door and there he was.

I went in and sat down he looked up to see me and so I asked him what he was doing in here.

Crawford said because it's quiet which it is not.

Well ok I said and when I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist.

He sat me back down beside him and he told me the real reason he was in there.

He told me it was so he could get away from me.

"Well", he sated," Your prettiness."

I was blushing when he said that.

I really like him and he likes me that's rare.

We left the closet and went to our classes shortly after the bell rang.

It was only 3 period so it's going to be a long day.

Crawford and I have the last four periods together which is going to be weird we have PE, math, art, and Social studies together.

When we got to History the teacher was giving a lecture about the wars.

Crawford kept starring at me because he is a row beside me so dangle from me.

When the bell rang I got up and left to my locker to get my Math book.

I opened my locker and a note fell from my locker.

The note said,"come to our house at 4 btw this is Karisma."

I put the note in my back pocket got my math book and went to math class.

After the worst Time in the world the bell rang and I went to go pick up Jake.

It is 3:20 so I have a couple of minutes.

When I pulled up to the car lane there was about 30 cars in fount of me.

When I got Jake it was 3:45.

I dropped Jake off at the house and drove to the Collins house.

When I pulled up it was 3:59 I got out of the car and knocked on the door.

Kiristin opened the door holding a cat and said,"We have been expecting you." in a very creepy voice.

She told me to come in and it was dark and Chris turned around holding a cat and Petting it in a spiny chair and also said,"We have been expecting you."

I said," did you have this planed out already?" and they nodded their heads.

I asked them what this was about.

They all said CRAWFORD at the same time.

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