Chapter 19 What happened At School?

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We walked out to my parked car in the driveway and got in.

I drove Jake to school with my music blasting and we were jamming out to the songs.

He got out and I drove away to my school.

My music was still blasting and I was still jamming out to it.

I got out of my car at my school.

I went to my locker and when I closed my locker, Headley was behind it and practically gave me a heart attack.

We went to our first period and sat and talked for a while before the teacher came in.

When the teacher did come in she put some notes on the board and we had to copy them.

She also told us that we have a test Friday but it is Thursday so I'm guessing next week.

I'm going to have to study my butt off.

The bell rang when it usual does and we went charging out of the room.

I got to my locker put my old books away and got the ones I needed.

I went to class and sat down.

Karisma came up to me and we talked about things that have happened and other things.

The teacher came in and taught us about Proper Nouns which I knew when I was in 6th grade.

After 2nd was 3rd and we went down to the gym.

We were in the locker room and I changed into Sweat pants and a lose tank top with big holes under the arms.

We went out into the gym and did our exercises.

When we got to push ups the coach called out 5 girls and 5 guys.

The 5 guys were:
Jacob hills
Matthew thieks
Logan Keeves
Luke Tomas
Crawford Collins

The 5 girls were:
Katlen yearns
Payton Glider
Rosey Morgan
Riley Downs
Linsey Brewer

We all went up to the coach and he said that we were going to have a push up war against our gender.

We all looked up at each other and were so confused.

Anyways the boys got on the ground first.

The rules were seeing how much we can do in one minute.

They had to go over time but Out of the boys Crawford won.

When the girls did it we had to go over time because it was down to
Payton Glider and me.

After 5 minutes of push ups Payton finally gave up.

The boys only went 3 minutes of over time.

I was out of breath and fell to the ground when the coach said time is up.

He told me that I could go get water but Headley had to help me.

I love exercising but not to much.

I got some water and we went back to the gym.

We played volleyball again.

We were on the same team.

The volley ball came to me and I guess my vision got bad and it hit me and it went pitch black.

I woke up in the nurses office I got up fast but then I heard Crawford tell me to lay back down I did as I was told and laid back down.

I didn't remember what happened bit I think it was for the best.

I did want to know though so I asked Crawford what had happened.

He told me that I passed out.

And that I did about 169 push ups in gym today.

I didn't remember that nor anything he told me.

But he did say that they called my mom she can't come get me but she did say that Crawford can take me home.

The principal is going to let him take care of me at home until my mom gets off.

I asked Crawford if he will pick up Jake and he told me that he would love too.

I smiled and laid back down for a couple of minutes.

I got up slowly and we went to my car Crawford also told me that he would be driving me in my car and Chris is driving The girls home with Crawford's car.

I gave him my car keys and told him where I park.

We got in the car and I sat down in the car and turned up the music.

The song that was playing was

I was jamming out and screaming the music until Crawford turned down the music and said we are here.

When I got out went up to my room and got on the bed slowly.

My head was pounding and I felt light headed.

I stood up while Crawford was getting me a drink.

Since I felt light headed I past out again and I fell to the floor with a plump.

I could hear Crawford's running feet up the stairs before I went fully black.

When I woke back up I carefully turned my head to the clock and it said 4:29.

I saw Jake in my room playing on my phone.

Crawford was watching TV in my room.

I watched it for a hour before I said a word.

After three shows I said who picked this channel.

Crawford got up so fast and so did Jake.

The came rushing over to me.

Jake asked how long have I been up and I told him a hour.

They looked at me then each other then back at me.

I felt Jakes hand go across my face.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

I didn't say a word instead I got up and went to the bathroom.

I looked at my face and it was red from the slap.

I had worse so I didn't cry.

I went back to my room and Jake was gone but Crawford was sitting on my bed.

He asked me why I didn't cry and I told him that's not the only thing I went through.

I told him that Jake slaps me harder when he gets mad.

Even if it's not me that gets him mad
I'm like his punching bag.

It is just life full of ups and downs.

I don't know when my mom was going to get home.

I told Crawford that he could go home but he wouldn't budge.

When my mom did get home it was 9:61 pm.

She thanked Crawford for watching over me.

She came up to me and told me that she was sorry she couldn't come.

I told her it's ok and she gave me some Advil.

She also told me that I wasn't going to school tomorrow.

I said okay and that I needed to lock the door when I came back to drop off Jake.

I told her that it was fine.

I ate some pizza and went to my bed I plugged up my phone on my night stand and went to bed while watching TV.

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