Chapter two

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Mazikeen's P.O.V.

J, Rubs and I were in Balbadd for three days now. This wasn't the first time we were in Balbadd but the last time we went here we didn't have the best time with the royalty. I wonder how the kingdom looked before Ahbmad became king, I heard king Rashid was a good king. Actually, we just wanted to pass through but when we saw in what condition the kingdom was, we wanted to help. We were a part of the fog troupe but weren't fighting with them. As much as we want to, this isn't our fight and we shouldn't interfere. Right now, I was walking through the market alone because I told J and Rubs to help the people at the hideout. Nightstar isn't with me when I'm in public. Well, let's just say that people were scared. I was looking for special medicine for one of the kids at the hideout but I just couldn't find it. There is one part where I haven't searched yet. While I was walking, I noticed that the people were staring at something but I didn't bother looking because I finally found the medicine in one of the shops. I hurried to get it and walked back to the hideout as fast as I could.

Sinbad's P.O.V.

We just arrived in Balbadd today and I was already nervous. Why was I nervous? Well, Yamuraiha yesterday told me that my kid is somewhere here in Balbadd and I still don't know what to do about that matter. I have never felt like this before. I went to a forest near Balbadd to clean my mind a bit but the walk through the forest didn't go as planned. To make it short, I got drunk and robbed but I met two kids on my way back. Aladdin gave me something to wear but it was very small so the people stared at us. Well, mostly at me. We were walking through the market to get to the hotel I was staying at. While I was explaining some things about Balbadd to Aladdin and Morgiana, I saw the same purple color that I have in the crowd, maybe a little brighter. "Is that my child? Okay, don't just assume things. It's just purple hair and even if it's not common it is possible for people to have the same hair color that I have... But Yamuraiha said that they're here..." I tried to get a better look at the person but it was gone as fast as it came.
After I took care of Aladdin and Morgiana, Ja'far pushed me into another room to get dressed while scolding me. "I saw something in the market earlier." I said after I got dressed. Ja'far gave me a confused look but Masrur's face didn't show any kind of emotion, like most of the time. "I saw the same purple hair that I have. I know it could be something else but Yamuraiha told me that my child is in somewhere in Balbadd right now." Ja'far's eyes widen slightly. "We'll keep an eye open." I nodded but then smiled and got up . "But now let's eat with our guests."

~Timeskip to after the battle with Judar~

Sinbad's P.O.V.

I was walking though the streets and was thinking about everything that happend today, when my mind went to Alibaba. I noticed that he was looking at me frequently all day and I think he wants to tell me something. I wanted to ask him about it but I didn't have time with all that was going on. Suddenly I noticed a little group of people that gathered around something. I walked closer and saw Aladdin laying there with his flute in his hands. "Take away his flute!" I shouted while approaching them. We took Aladdin to a small house and after some explanation about his condition from Ja'far, I asked Alibaba. "Is there something you want to tell me Alibaba?" He looked at me confused so I continued. "I noticed you looking at me from time to time." "Ah! I'm sorry! You just remind me of someone." Ja'far and Masrur looked at each while I froze. "Could you take us to them?" Ja'far asked after some time because i wasn't able to. Alibaba nodded and began walking with Ja'far, Masrur and I following him but Morgiana stayed to watch Aladdin. We walked into a part of the hideout from the fog troupe where the injured people were treated. I got more nervous with every step that I was taking and my heart was beating a bit faster. I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings and just walked in a trance, looking at the ground. "Am I going to meet my kid now?" I thought. After some time Alibaba spoke "We're here." Looking up, I noticed that we were in a place of the hideout I hadn't seen before. Alibaba walked around a corner and I stopped abruptly causing Ja'far and Masrur to stop as well. "I'm going to meet my child now. For the first time. I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I'm not ready but... was I ever going to be ready?" Ja'far pushed me forward, causing me to get out of my thoughts. I glared at him over my shoulder before taking a deep breath and slowly starting walking again. But after I walked around the corner, I froze, again.

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