Chapter nine

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Third P.O.V.

She turned around to walk away when he all of a sudden harshly grabbed her wrist and tore her back to him. 

She stumbled back a little and fell with her back against his front. She looked up at him and saw him looking down at her, angry. "I-Is everything all right?" She asked a little scared. She was scared because he was drunk and she didn't want to hurt him in any way. She could if she wanted to, in the Djinn battle weeks ago neither of them won and they had to stop due to exhaustion. He growled a little. "NO!" She was taken aback by his sudden outburst and turned around to look at him while taking a step back but he still held her wrist and clenched his his free fist. "Why are you lying to me?" He began. "You don't trust me, right? You say you're fine but I know your not. You didn't tell me about your past. You didn't tell me why you are afraid to be in public and why you had that breakdown. You're weak! You're like a pet that I have to hold on a leash! At least I can marry you off or something like that. On the other side nobody would want you to be their wife." He continued while tightening his grip on her, which became painful for her. "Please stop." She whispered with tears in her eyes while trying to pry his hand off of her wrist. He only pushed her against a wall and put his other hand on her throat but he didn't squeeze. "I never wanted kids. You're just a burden. I don't even know what bitch you're the daughter of. I just wanted to fuck and this thing came out. I hate you. Nobody loves you. You're just like your mother. A prostitute! Your mother was just another toy for me. You think she was special for me? She wasn't! I don't even know why I wanted to take care of you!" Her eyes widen when he began to squeeze her throat and her free hand flew to his hand. He was getting more and more angry.


He broke her wrist. She closed her eyes tight and whimpered. She gritted her teeth so she wouldn't scream. Ja'far and Masrur just walked around a corner when their eyes widen. They were looking for their king because he suddenly disappeared at the party. Before they could react, Mazikeen kicked Sinbad in the guts and he let go of her. He stepped a few feet back and let her fall on the floor. She laid their panting, holding herself up with one hand and leaning on her elbow on the arm with the broken wrist. He was about to attack her again when Masrur knocked him out. He threw Sinbad over his shoulder and walked away. Meanwhile, Ja'far helped Mazikeen sit up and she leaned against the wall. "Are you all right?!" He asked, clearly concerned. "I'm fine." She breathed out. "I just need some rest and I'll be fine." He sighed, not believing her but nodded. "But I think he broke my wrist." She said, rubbing her broken wrist. He took her wrist carefully to examine it. It was definitely broken. He took her to a medic room and bandaged her hand and wrist. While he was taking care of her wrist he complained about his king. "It's fine, Ja'far." She said trying to calm him down. He looked at her like she had grown another head. "No! It's not fine! He is supposed to protect you! He is your father for crying out loud! I don't even know that side of him. Even when he was drunk he was never like this." She sighed as he continued complaining about him. After he finished she went to bed, crying. "I did my best, but it wasn't enough. I trusted him with going to Sindria without knowing what to expect, but it wasn't enough. I spend almost all my time with him, but it wasn't enough. I conquered 5 dungeons, but it wasn't enough. I cared for myself and my friends for years, but it wasn't enough. I loved him and still do, but it wasn't enough... Am I not enough? Am I not good enough for you? Why do you hate me? Why don't you love me? Am I not worthy of your love?" She asked herself. This night she cried herself to sleep.

Sinbad woke up the next morning with a really bad headache. He didn't remember what happend the day before. As he got dressed he noticed a bruise on his stomach but didn't think about it. After he got dressed and he was feeling better, he walked out of his room and towards his daughter's room. He was sure she would be awake by now but when he opened the door, after knocking and getting no response, he saw that she was still asleep. He was a little worried and walked closer to her bed. She was curled up under her blanket and only her head was showing. As he walked closer he noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. Dry tears on her cheeks. "Why was she crying?" He asked himself. He softly wiped her tears with his hand. He wanted to wake her and to ask her what was wrong but decided it would be best to let her sleep. He walked out of the room and towards his office but before he could reach it Ja'far stopped him and Sinbad had never seen him so angry before. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned and nervous. "What's wrong?! What the hell was that about yesterday?!" He shouted. "W-What do you mean? What happend yesterday?" The king asked taken aback and getting confused. "You seriously don't remember anything?" He only shook his head in response. Ja'far sighed. "Maybe you should talk with your daughter and most importantly apologize!" He said walking away. Sinbad was left confused but walked back to Mazikeen's room. He knocked on the door and heard a raspy "Come in." from inside, which made him even more concerned about his daughter. He opened the door and his eyes widen but he quickly got angry. Mazikeen had bruises around her throat and her left wrist was bandaged. She didn't turn to look who was at the door and continued doing her hair. "Who did this to you?!" Sinbad asked enraged. When she heard who entered her room she quickly turned around and her eyes widen for a second before turning dull. "What do you want?" He was taken aback by her tone and he walked closer to her before he stood right in front of her. "What happend?" He asked concerned and reached his hand out to touch her wrist but she pulled back. "So, you don't remember?" she asked. She looked up at him with sad and disappointed eyes. He looked at her confused but the look made his heart ache. "...You got really drunk yesterday... and you're certainly more aggressive when your drunk." she said with sadness in her voice while walking out of the room. He just stood there for a moment before his eyes widen and the memories from last night came back. "I did this to her. I hurt her. I said such horrible things to her. I didn't mean any of that! What kind of father hurts his own daughter? How could I do that? I love her, damn it! Mom and dad would be disappointed when they saw what I did." He thought. He was furious. Furious at himself. He ran out of the room and after his princess. "I have to make this right! But... can I?" He asked himself as he tried to find his daughter. He searched for a long time but didn't find her. After awhile he gave up and walked to his office, still angry at himself for everything he did and he felt even worse about pushing her to officially become the princess without being ready and for her breakdown. He blamed himself for everything bad that happend to her since she met him.
Ja'far was still angry at his king but didn't see him all day, which concerned him. He walked to his office and his eyes widen when he saw his king doing his paperwork without him having to force him. He was getting worried, so he walked in and closed the door behind him. "Sin? Are you okay?" Sinbad didn't even look up at him but laid down the pen. "How could I do this to her Ja'far?" He asked his viceroy. "I hurt her. Not only physically but I said so many horrible things." He buried his head in his hands while resting his elbows on the desk, growling. "Have you talked to her?" Ja'far asked. He wasn't angry anymore, he saw how much it affected him and how much he regretted it. He could tell that he was angry at himself. "I tried to. I went to her this morning after you said I should talk to her but when I remembered everything, she already left and I couldn't find her... Will she ever forgive me? I wasn't there for her for 15 years and now I do this to her." The king sighed heavily. "I don't ever want to drink again." He said after a moment of silence. Ja'far's eyes widen. "That's good but that could be harder than you think. You should talk to her first. I think I saw her walking towards her room a few minut-" He didn't get to finish because Sinbad jumped from his seat and rushed out of the office. He at least had to apologize even if she wouldn't forgive him.

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