Chapter ten

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Third P.O.V.

Sinbad didn't bother knocking when he reached his daughter's room and burst through the door. Mazikeen jumped from her bed and quickly turned to the door. Before she could even realize what happend Sinbad wrapped his arms around her tightly. He was scared that if he let go she would run away from him. Her eyes widen when she noticed who was hugging her but she didn't hug him back. "I'm sorry." He started with his voice full of regret and eyes shut tight. "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry for hurting you, not only physically." He paused taking a breath. "I'm sorry for breaking your wrist. I'm sorry for squeezing your throat. I'm sorry..." He continued while tightening his grip on her only a little, scared to hurt her again. "I'm sorry for pushing you out of your comfort zone and for your breakdown. I don't expect you to forgive me and I... I understand if you want to leave." He finished quietly. Her eyes softened as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I don't want to leave. I have been waiting to be with you for my whole life and I still want to live with you. I know you didn't mean it." She buried her head into his upper part of his abdomen (because she is small). After a moment of silence she spoke again. "Do... Do you love me?" She asked a little hesitant and tightening her grip slightly. "Of course! Of course I love you." He answered quickly, taken aback at her question. "Do you doubt that because of what happend yesterday?" He asked sadly. "Yeah, but it's not only because of that." He got confused and opened his eyes to look down at her. "Why would you doubt it then?" She sighed. "I know you didn't want children and when I saw you flirting with all those women I realized you didn't love my mother-" "So you thought maybe I wouldn't love you?" He interrupted and looked at her surprised. She didn't answer and just buried her face into his abdomen, slightly embarrassed. "You also said you wanted to marry me off, you know?"  He mumbled into his clothes. His eyes widen when he remembered that. "I would never do that! Also, I don't allow you to marry anyone. No boys allowed." He said and held her more to him protectively while pouting a little. She laughed and he smiled at that. "I love you, too... Dad." He looked at her surprised at what she called him and kissed the top of her head happily. "I know I said I never wanted kids but I'm really glad that you're my daughter and I'm sorry for not being there earlier." He apologized again. "It's okay. You're here now." She pulled away and looked up at him. "But I have a question." She bit her lower lip and he waited patiently. "Was.. Was mom really a prostitute?" She asked quietly. His eyes widen a little and he was about to say no when a thought came to his mind. "Who is her mother?" He didn't want to admit it but he had to tell her the truth. "I... don't know. I don't know who your mother is. I'm sorry." When he said that she gripped his clothing and began trembling a little. He held her tight and he felt horribly when the first sob left her mouth. He knelt down on one knee and smiled up at her. He held her chin with his right hand and her hand with his other. "Your mother must be a wonderful woman. After all, she gave birth to such a beautiful and strong girl." He said, making her smile, which in return made his smile widen. "But I look like you, not mom." She joked. He gave her a hearty laugh in return, making her giggle. He got up and led her to the bed. They sat down and he held her hands in his, rubbing circles with his thumbs. "What happend to your mother?" He asked in a whisper. She looked down at their hands. "She died." She said. He looked at her, waiting patiently for her to continue. "...She died giving birth to me." She admitted. His eyes widen. He felt his heart break. He wasn't there for her but he thought her mother was. Well, he was wrong. But he quickly recomposed himself. "Tell me about her." He said, smiling softly. She still didn't look up. Instead she began playing with his jewelry on his arms, which he found quite cute. "Her name was Katherine but most people called her Kathy." She smiled sadly. "The village where I was born loved her. Everybody knew her. They told me about her. They said she had beautiful long and wavy chocolate brown hair and warm brown eyes." The description made him think of his own mother. "They said she was the sweetest woman they knew. Always putting others before herself and helping where she could." He smiled at her and she finally looked up at him. "She knew she was going to die so she wrote letters for me." Mazikeen said, getting up from the bed and walking to her bag that laid on the floor. She pulled out an old wooden box with a beautiful design and engravings. Instead of a lock there were two heart shaped holed. One bigger than the other. It was old but looked like it could survive lava. She sat down again and put the box down onto her lap. She grabbed in her shirt to pull out her necklace. It was a silver necklace with a blue heart shaped gem. She held it in her hand and pulled out the ring from her father under her left glove. She put both hearts into the holes and it made a click sound. She smiled and looked up at him. "I made it myself. I didn't want anyone to know how it works because the things inside mean a lot to me. I chose the ring and the necklace because they're from the parents I always wanted to know and because not many people know about them cause I always hide them. You're actually the second person that knows how to open it." She said. "Who's the other one?" He asked curiously. She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. He's dead." She says looking back at the box. "Is... Is it perhaps the boy that the rukh formed in Balbadd?" He asked hesitantly. She looked back at him. "You saw him?" She asked a little loud. "Yes... Who was he?" He asked slightly taken aback. "Sorry. He was my half-brother, his name was Ethan." She said with a little happiness in her eyes making him smile even though he was surprised. "But that's a story for another time." She said, looking back at the box and opening it. Inside were many papers. Sinbad looked a little confused at them. "Mom wrote about you." She said and he looked at her surprised. She giggled softly. "She never mentioned your name but when I was younger I read them everyday. I learned how to read at a young age because I was so eager to read them. I was just so happy. My father was a hero." She said laughing a little and he looked at her wide eyed. Did she really think he is a hero? "I asked everybody in the village if they knew who you were but I never figured it out. To be honest I was afraid to find out." She admitted. "I was smart for my age and knew that if my mom wouldn't mention your name nor tell anyone then for some reason she thought it would be better for me not to know. But I don't understand why she did that." She said with a frown. Sinbad smiled at her. She didn't get it but he does. "She did it to protect you." She looked at him with a confused look. "I am king, Maze. I have a lot of enemies. She tried to protect you from this life." He explained. Her eyes widen and she looked down. Now she understood why her mother never told her his name. He closed the box on her lap when he saw her sadden expression. "I think that's enough for today, don't you think?" He asked softly. She only nodded and closed the box before pulling on her jewelry and putting the box in the bag. He got up and was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed his wrist. He turned around with a confused expression though his eyes quickly widen and he felt his heart melt. She grabbed onto his wrist while her other hand played with her shirt. She looked down with a small embarrassed blush and bit her lower lip. She looked extremely adorable to him. "C-Can you sleep with me tonight? I'm scared to get nightmares because of all the memories." She asked shyly. He agreed and she walked into the bathroom to change into her pyjama while he only took his jewelry and the white cloth on his shoulders off along with his crown and shoes. He laid down on her bed and waited for her. He was deep in thoughts about her so he didn't notice her coming out of the bathroom until she jumped on the bed. He chuckled happily, seeing her act like a small child. She laid down under the blanket and snuggled into his side while he laid an arm around her. Not long after he could hear soft snores coming from her, making him smile. He maybe didn't know much about her past but he was glad she opened up to him. It made him feel extremely happy, knowing that he was one of two people who knew about the box. With a satisfied smile he laid to his side and wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep. 

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