Chapter three

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Sinbad's P.O.V.

When I walked around a corner, I froze, again. There stood a girl in her teens talking with Cassim and two girls behind her but I didn't pay attention to them, I just looked at her. She looked just like me. She had beautiful long purple hair, a little brighter than mine and lovely amber colored eyes, just like mine. Stunning, pretty and just absolutely gorgeous... but she isn't a small child anymore."I missed so much of her life. Does she even want to meet me after I left her for so long? Who know what happend while I was gone. She had to grow up without her father and I didn't even think of the possibility of having a child. I didn't think of the consequences of my actions... Wait! She's not a consequence! I mean she kinda is but a good one! ...Will she be able to forgive me?"  All kind of Thoughts were going through my mind but stopped when Ja'far laid a hand on my shoulder and as I looked over my shoulder I saw him with wide eyes, even Masrur looked a little shocked. Before I could brace myself, Alibaba shouted "Hey, Maze!" She looked our way and my heart soared but when she noticed me her eyes widen and she froze.

Mazikeen's P.O.V.

"Hey, Maze!" I heard Alibaba calling me. I looked over to him but when I saw the people behind him my eyes widen. "Who's that?! Why does he look so much like me?! ...He can't be my father, right?"  Thoughts kept going through my mind and my heart started racing. J and Rubs were behind me but it seemed like they were shocked, too, because they didn't move. I didn't even notice that Alibaba and Cassim walked away. After some time he was slowly walking towards me but I just stared at him. I couldn't move or talk. I didn't know what to do. When he was in front of me he crouched down to my height. I was a little small for my age but I looked down at him a bit because now I was a little taller. My heartbeat was so fast, I could feel it in my throat. The other two men were standing behind him but I didn't care, I just stared at the man in front of me. He looked at me for a moment before speaking.

Third P.O.V.

"Hi. My name is Sinbad." He began with a soft smile. "I... I'm your father." Mazikeen still couldn't speak so she just continued to stare at him. "I-I know this comes unexpected and it must be confusing and weird." He continued, getting more nervous and hoping that she would say something. "And I know that I wasn't there for you for so long but if you can somehow forgive me give me a chance I want to live with you and make it up to you." But even now she didn't say anything. "I want to be a part of your life. I want to guide you through your life as much as I can. I want to protect you. I want to be the one you come to about every little thing that troubles you or makes you happy. I want to be there for you, so please... let me be your father. Please." He said desperately but still, nothing from her. "Maybe this is too much for her." He thought. "I'm sorry. This must be too much at once. I'll give you time and you can come to me if you want to." He finally said after getting no response. "I will be staying in Baladd for some time. If you want to talk to me you can ask Alibaba where you can find me." He added with a sad smile. He was about to get up when she suddenly jumped at him and threw her arms around his neck. He didn't expect it and almost toppled over and just stood there for a small moment to realize what just happend. "Don't... Please don't leave me..." She whispered, voice shaking with her eyes shut tight and a few tears streaming down her face. Sinbad smiled softly and hugged her back. He felt horribly when he heard how broken she sounded and noticed how tight he was holding him. He didn't have much time with his father but she didn't even know him and he could only imagine how she must have felt all this time but he was happy, too. She didn't reject him. "I'm not going to leave you. I promise." He whispered back and she buried her head in his shoulder. He was glad that she even spoke with him but that she hugged him and didn't want him to leave made him so happy. After some time she spoke while letting go of him "Ohh! I have something that is yours." He looked at her confused but his eyes widen when she reached into her left glove to reveal a golden ring with a red heart-shaped stone from her index finger. He was still crouching down and looked at the ring in surprise. "It's the only thing I have left from you. Mom said you forgot it in her house and she gave it to me." She explained with a small smile and reached the ring out for him to take. "Do you remember it?" She asked while he slowly took it. "Of course." He said smiling. "It was the first thing I bought after I created my trading company. I was pretty sad when I lost it." Sinbad stood up and looked at the ring for a moment before giving it back to her with a smile. "Keep it." She looked up at him surprised. "B-But it's yours." She stuttered a bit. "I want you to have it. It means more to you than it does to me." He insisted. Mazikeen smiled and took it back on. "By the way. This is Ja'far and this is Masrur." He said pointing to the people behind him. Ja'far smiled at them and Masrur just kept his emotionless expression. She smiled at them and took a deep breath before speaking. "My name is Mazikeen or Maze for short. This is Jade and this is Ruby." She introduced the girls behind her. Ruby smiled brightly at them and Jade just stared at Sinbad. "Awesome! Another Fanalis!" Ruby exclaimed, stepping forward and laid an arm around Mazikeen's neck. Jade took a step towards them. "I don't want to ruin the mood or anything but did you realize that this is king Sinbad, the king of Sindria?" She said pointing at him. When she said this Mazikeen's eyes widen and her breathing sped up a bit as she stared at her father. "But this would make you a..." Ruby began while letting go of her with a serious expression. "...A princess, right." Sinbad finished confused at his daughter's sudden change with his arms crossed. "Is there a problem?" He asked the trio. Jade and Ruby looked at each other. "Well, kinda." Ruby said worriedly, looking at Mazikeen. "She has a little problem about this whole attention thing, ya know?" Jade explained. Neither of them seemed to want to speak about that matter but Sinbad just smiled softly at his daughter and took her hands in his. "Don't worry about that." He reassured, already having thought of a plan. "We can get you secretly to Sindria so you can get used to it at your own pace. But there will always be the chance that the public finds out. Do you want to take that risk?" He asked a little nervous that she would decline. She didn't even think for a second about it and smiled at him. "Of course I want to!" He sighed in relief and let go of her hands. "But for now you should rest and think about it. You can always come to me. Alibaba can show you where we are staying." He said smiling. She nodded and waved as the three girls made their way to where they were staying.

That night Sinbad could finally sleep peacefully again. He was relieved that it turned out like that and not as bad as he imagined it to be, although there was a lot more to worry about. He didn't know what she had been through to her life and don't know her in general. Also, there was the fact that he never took care of a child before all to himself and now, he suddenly had a teenage girl to rise. But the king didn't let those worries get to him now. He was just happy to have finally met her. 
On the other side, Mazikeen didn't sleep well. In fact she wasn't even asleep, all she could do was ask herself if she made the right decision. She really wanted to be with her father. She wanted to be with him all her life but she wasn't sure if she could live that life. She knew some stories about him from her mother but she never told her who he was. For some reason her mother thought it would be better if she didn't know her father, why else would she tell her so many good stories but never mention his name once? Not even the town where she lived in knew who he was. With all those doubts she couldn't sleep and got up to walk out of her room. Neither Jade or Ruby was sleeping, so they all got into Mazikeen's room and slept there. It was something they did since they were young. Whenever one of them couldn't sleep, they would sleep together.

This wouldn't only change the lives of a father and his daughter but also the lives of a whole Kingdom.

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