A Day In The Life... Of Jamie

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I woke up in the morning with the sun peeking through my window, a splinter of light in my eye. I sat up slowly and stretched. What a lovely day, I thought looking out my window at the bright dew glistening grass in the hills. I sighed a calm sigh and headed downstairs for some brekkie.

"Good mornin', love." My father said putting a hand on my head. "Morning, Dad." I said with a smile. "Would you like some eggs before Mike eats them all?" My dad said with a wink. "That's alright, I'll just make some oatmeal."
"Suit yourself." My dad said laying a kiss on my forehead. Suddenly Micheal came running down the stairs and opened the fridge, then proceeded to take the carton of milk out of the fridge and drank it.

"Peter Micheal McCartney! What has your mother told you about drinking straight out of the carton?" My dad yelled. Mike just shrugged. My mom was always at work, she was a nurse, a midwife. I love my mother, she's always sweet and kind. She's not home a lot but when she is she's a real treat.

After I finished my breakfast I put my bowl in the sink and rinsed it off. "I'm going to get dressed and then take a walk in the park for a breath of air." I told my dad, running up the stairs. I went upstairs and combed through my brown almost black waves and threw on a casual outfit which consisted of a floral shirt and some nice high-waisted denim blue jeans.

It was a plain little outfit but it made me feel pretty. I put on some grey slip-ons and went out the door. I hopped onto my bike and started my short trip to the park. I arrived and took a nice walk around on the park trail and stopped at an ice cream stand and saw that schoolboy I met a few days ago... What was his name? Oh, yes - it was George.

"Oh, hello, Jamie!" He said. I smiled and gave him a hello wave. "How have you been?" I asked him handing my money to the man at the ice cream stand. "I've been fine. The fellow schoolmates ain't too nice, huh?" George asked with a sarcastic laugh. "No, not really.." I said looking down.

"Do they make fun of you?" He asked. "Well, sometimes..." I said taking my ice cream from the cashier. "It's alright, Jamie. I think you're sweet." George said with a cute crooked smile. "Thank you, George." I said smiling back. "Well, I'm going to keep walking around, see you some other time." I said taking a lick of my French vanilla ice cream.

"Erm, okay, bye then!" George said waving goodbye to me. I continued my walk around the park when I spotted my friend Ivan taking a walk as well. "Ivan!" I said hug-tackling him. He laughed. "Hello, Jamie." He said rolling his eyes. I got up and dusted off my shirt with my hand. "So, coincidence seeing you 'round here." I said with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah, I guess so." Ivan said with a chuckle. "Care to join me for a peaceful walk around the park?" I said nudging his shoulder. "Well it was peaceful until you attacked me." Ivan said with a sarcastic smile. "Well I'm sorry I guess I just was happy to find my best friend on such a nice day." I said innocently.

"Mmhm." Ivan said nudging my shoulder.  We continued our walk through the park and talked like old friends when finally it was time to go home. "Bye, Ivan!" I said with a goodbye wave. "See you tomorrow!" He said. As I was walking home I looked across the street only to see... Jack Thomas? Oh no! I had to run, he was one of the guys who beat me up.

"Hey! Look who it is! Hey Jamie McPrincess." He said closing up to me. "No, please!" I said backing up. "Hey!" I heard a voice from behind me. "Get away from her!" It was John. "John! What are you-" He interrupted me with a whisper. "It's okay, leave it to me." Eventually Jack ran off in fear that John would beat him up.

"John! You know you didn't have to do that." I said hugging him tight. "Yes I did." He said laying a soft kiss on my trembling lips. I blushed profusely. "You're turnin' red, Jamie." John said with a laugh. I cleared my throat. "I'd better get going.." I said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Goodbye!" I said running off towards my home. "Oh! Um. Goodbye then." John said.

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