The Plan

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Jamie's POV

The next day I met with Ivan after school to discuss the plan. I biked to his house, which was right between mine and John's, I gave a gentle knock. "Jamie!" Ivan said swinging the door open. I yelped. "Ivan!" I scolded with a laugh. He let me in and we sat on his sofa. "Oh! Do you mind if George comes over? He's a friend of mine, he's very nice." I asked. Ivan shrugged. "Alright." He said.

I rang George's number and his mother answered. "Hello?" She asked. "It's Jamie, Jamie McCartney. I'm George's friend from school." I said. "Oh! George have you got another girlfriend?" She said. "Mom!" I heard George groan from afar. He grabbed the phone. "Hello?" He said. "Hi, it's Jamie, I was wondering if you'd like to help me and my friend Ivan with an, erm, project?" I asked.

"Yeh, sure." He said. I gave him the address and he started on his way. "So, where shall we begin?" I asked Ivan. "Well, erm, maybe we should start erm.." He pointed at my breasts. "Oh, yes, probably." I said with a slight laugh. "We should go to the store and get a binder. And maybe some guy-clothes." I said. When George got there we told him the plan and headed to the store. "Why do you want to do this again?" He asked. "I don't know." I said laughing. "I think it'll be fun." I finished.

We went to the store and picked out a binder, a dark grey vest, a white button-up shirt, some black khakis and brown leather shoes. The cashier looked at me suspiciously as she scanned the items. We took our receipt and left the store back to Ivan's house. I washed off all my makeup. I decided to contour my face to look more manly. I gave myself defined cheekbones, stubble dots and lighter, less noticeable eyelashes. And finally I thickened my eyebrows. I was about to walk away when I noticed Ivan's flat-cap.

I pulled my hair up into a bun and fluffed my bangs and stuck them out the front, I put the flat cap over the bun and went to change my clothes. The binder was a little bit uncomfortable but I could handle it. I went out to show the guys. They  gasped. "You definitely look the part." Ivan said. "Yeh, but what about that damn voice?" George said. "Oh, yeah..." Ivan said putting a hand on his chin. "We'll have to teach her some slang." George said. "When you want a drink, you say, 'hop off and fetch me a bevvy.'" Ivan said. I tilted my head in confusion. "It means, 'Go get me a beer.'" George said.

"What do you know anything about beer?" I asked George. That cheeky 14-year-old. He shrugged. "You call girl's 'birds' and guy's blokes." Ivan said. I nodded. They went on teaching and I lowered my voice to make it sound manly-er. "There we go!" George said and clapped his hands together. "Oh! I'm so nervous!" I said. "Don't be, I'll come with yeh." He said. "Last thing to work on is your bass, obviously." Ivan said. "Oh, well my dad says I play 'Twenty Flight Rock' very well." I said.

"Well, try that then." George said. "And what about you," I said. "What can you play, George?" He shrugged. "I can play just about everything, but 'Raunchy' is my best." He said. "Well, then. I think you guys are good to go." Ivan said. We practiced our songs for about a half an hour and then we started on our way to John's house. I nervously bit my nails the whole way. "Oh!" George said. "I almost forgot to teach you how to walk. Copy me." He walked in sort of a slouched saunter. I mimicked him. "There we go. Chin up now." He said. We walked to the door and I took a deep breath. "Let's go." George said pushing the door open.

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