1- Just friends

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"Hi, babycakes!"

Harry stopped talking to Niall and turned around to face the boy who just greeted him. He didn't see Nialls eye-rolling and smiled sweetly at his best friend before greeting him back.
"Hi, sweetcheeks!"

Louis's face lit up from the nickname before he sat down in Harry's lap and threw an arm around the younger boy's shoulder. He threw in a sloppy kiss on his cheek for good measure and grinned when Harry blushed.
He clasped his hands on Harry's cheeks and rubbed them.
"Naaaw, such a cutie."

Harry tried to push him away.
"Shut up Lewis!"

Louis fake gasped and held one hand over his heart before he dived in and started to tickle Harry.

"Oh no, you didn't! What's my name Harold? Say my name!"

Harry squirmed underneath him. He laughed and tried to capture Louis's hands unsuccessfully.

"Stop! Iiih, sorry! Aaaah! Louis! Louis!"

Louis smiled widely and let go of Harry who was trying to catch his breath. Then he leaned in with a smirk to whisper in Harry's ear.
"Daddy works too."

Harry inhaled sharply before he punched the smaller boy lightly on the shoulder.


Louis started to laugh hysterically and soon Harry joined him.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Niall asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harry blushed again and Louis chuckled.

"Naaah, just teaching me boy a lesson."

Niall rolled his eyes.
"Sure you were, Louis."

Louis just shrugged his shoulders and got up from Harry's lap when Zayn and Liam walked in.

"Hi guys, are you ready for the interview?" Liam asked.

The boys nodded and shortly after a woman came to get them. They were having a radio interview at Capital FM.

They all sat down and greeted the host before they were on the air.

"We have so many listeners text questions, like hundreds and hundreds. Loads of people wanna marry you. How many people ask you to marry them?" The radio host started off asking.

Liam joked immediately.
"I got married yesterday."

"Yeah, I got married yesterday as well." Harry chipped in.

Niall responded fast.
"I married them actually."

The radio host continued with questions about tattoos, who had the most shoes, and what movies they last cried to and the boys answered the questions, goofing around.

"If you were a girl for a day which member of the band would you date?" the host asked with a smile.

"Is this only for one day?" Louis immediately questioned and got a "yes" in return.

Harry was the first one to answer.
"If I was a girl for one day I think I definitely date Louis 'cause I think you just have fun with him." He gave Louis a quick glance before the radio host gave him a "Yeah?"

Louis looked at him with a smile.
"Both day and night or?"

Before Harry could answer the host cut in.
"Just go day and night. Does that change things, Harry?"

"No, I don't think so. I think he shows you a good time." He couldn't believe he just said that. It sounded dirty. By the look of it, so did Niall think as well. Yeah, well. Harry mentally facepalmed but Louis seemed amused by the answer.

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