13-Family value

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They spent the four-hour car ride talking and laughing and before they knew it they had arrived in Doncaster.

Jay opened the door as soon as the car pulled in on the driveway.

"Sweetheart! Come give me a hug." She shouted excitedly when Louis climbed out from the backseat.

Louis smiled brightly and opened his arms to hug his mum.
"I've missed you, mum!"

"I missed you too." Jay answered and let go after a while so she could look at him. "Are you doing okay?" Louis nodded.

Jay turned to face Harry who stood by the car.
"Sweetie, come here." Jay opened her arms again and Harry walked over to hug her with a smile on his lips.

She gave him a warm hug.
"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." Harry mumbled.

Jay let go of Harry and clapped her hands together.
"Let's get inside boys!"

Louis and Harry got their bags from the trunk and followed her inside.

"So, let's get you settled in. How are we doing this? Do you wanna stay in Louis's room together or are you more comfortable on the couch Harry?"

"Ehm, eh, I..." Harry started to stutter and Louis rolled his eyes.

"We can share my room. Right Haz?" Louis asked.

"That's fine." Harry answered.

"Lovely, but no funny business." Jay pointed out with a smile and Harry blushed in an instant.

"Mum!" Louis complained and Jay laughed.

"You never know with you two." She winked.

Louis stared at her. Did his mum know he was gay? Had he told her before the accident? He couldn't remember.

He motioned to Harry to follow him upstairs and soon they were standing in his old room.

When Louis had closed the door behind them he turned to Harry.
"Ehm... Harry? Did I tell me mum, before the accident that I'm gay?"

"I don't know." Harry answered and hesitated for a moment before he continued.
"But I told her I'm in love with you."

"What? When?" Louis asked confused.

"When we were in the hospital. She asked me and I couldn't deny it. I mean, she saw how upset I was and figured it out. Then she asked if you felt the same way and I told her that I didn't know for sure but I thought so." Harry confessed, glad to get it off his chest.

Louis glared at him.
"What the hell? You outed me to me mum? I don't even know if it's true. What the fuck Harry?" Louis was angry.

Harry's eyes teared up.
"I'm...sorry! We didn't know if you would survive! But you're right! It wasn't my place to do that. God, I'm so sorry!" Harry started to cry.

Louis's features soften.
"Don't cry, Baby. I can't stay mad at you." He reached out and pulled him in for a hug.

"It's okay. You have the right to be mad at me. I can go home or at least sleep on the couch." Harry mumbled against Louis's shoulder.

"No! It was a difficult situation. At least I know now that me mum won't disown me or something. I'll talk to her. Please don't leave." Louis answered.

Harry pulled out from the hug with a sigh.
"Your mum would never do that!"

Louis gave him a sad smile.
"How could I have known that? I mean, maybe I would have known that before but now I have no idea."

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