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Harry never left Louis's side. He refused to accept something as dumb as visiting hours. He donated to the hospital and they put an extra bed in Louis's room for him to sleep in. Hey, he was kind of rich, of course, he would bribe himself into that room. The boys visited every day and soon days had turned into weeks.

Louis's mum and sisters arrived on the evening of the day of Louis accident. Harry stepped out to give them some time alone. He sat down outside the room and waited. Jay came out after a while and pulled him in for a hug.

"How are you holding up sweetie?" She examined him closely.

"I...I don't know but Louis is the one you should focus on." Harry answered and bit his lip.

"I can focus on both of you. I know that you really care about my boy. You two are inseparable." Jay continued.

Harry started to cry again. Louis was laying in a hospital bed in a coma. They were separated.
"I don't know what I would do without Louis. He's everything."

Jay hugged him again before she looked at him with a small smile on her face. She wiped his tears away.
"Are you in love with my son?"

Harry looked down on the floor and blushed.

"Look at me, Harry." Harry met her gaze.

"I'm glad to hear that you finally admitting it and I'm guessing Louis feels the same way about you?"

"Ehm... I think so?" Harry gave her a shy smile.

"I bet you he does. You're the only thing he talks about. Have been since you first met. It's adorable." Jay smiled before she looked sad again.
"Let's go inside again sweetie. You're a part of the family."

Louis's mum and sisters stayed for a week. Harry offered them to live in his and Louis flat which Jay gladly accepted. Harry grew really close to Louis's family. Soon he had heard every embarrassing childhood story they could think of and everything in between. Harry knew that Louis would be furious about it when he woke up. If he woke up.

Then Jay and the girls had to go back to Doncaster. The girls couldn't miss anymore school and Jay was a single mum so she couldn't miss anymore work and she had to take care of her other children even if her oldest was hurt. They still came every weekend and Jay called Harry every day to hear how her baby boy was doing.

Louis just laid there sleeping. The bruises had almost faded now and the swelling in the face had gone down. Harry spent most of the days just staring at his beautiful face, memorizing every single thing about it. He brushed his fingers on Louis's cheeks and he held his hand. He whispered sweet nonsense in his ear and he sang to him. But most of all he just cried.

When a month had past the doctors decided that it was time to try and wake Louis. The breathing tube came out and they stopped giving him the medication that induced the coma. Louis was breathing on his own but he hadn't woken up yet. Harry hardly slept. What if Louis woke up when he was asleep? After being awake for two days straight he finally fell asleep on his extra bed.


Harry jolted up from the bed. What was that? He immediately turned to face Louis. He was laying still, eyes closed.

"Water..." It wasn't more than a whisper but it was there.

"Louis? Oh my God! Louis! Can you hear me? Wait, I'll get you water."

Harry rushed to grab the glass of water from Louis's nightstand and put the straw against Louis's lips. Louis took a couple of sips and Harry felt like he was gonna scream from joy.

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