12-Midnight confessions

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The boys came over for movie night. They gathered around in the living room and Louis sat back and listened to them joke and bicker. He smiled amused. Then he remembered them during the x-factor. How they have always been like this together. Flashes of them in a bungalow came to mind. Was it Harry's dad's bungalow? He remembered that they had a really good time. Niall was always eating, Zayn was really shy, Liam tried to organize everything, and then it was Harry. Beautiful, smiling Harry. They had become really close then. All of them, but especially him and Harry.

"Looooouis!" Niall shouted.

Louis snapped out of it and turned to Niall. "Yeah?"

"You were really out of it!" Niall laughed.

Louis met Harry's eyes. He looked concerned again and Louis gave him what he hoped would be a reassuring smile.
"I just remembered us being in a bungalow. Harry's dads...?

Niall dropped a bag of Doritos.

Liam looked excited and Zayn smiled.
"Tell us what you remember." Liam said.

Louis scratched the back of his head, trying to collect the memory.
"Well, we were there and Niall ate and laughed all the time..."

Niall grinned and put a Dorito in his mouth. Louis continued.

"Zayn was really shy and didn't speak much..." The boys laughed about that and Liam petted Zayn's shoulder.

"Liam was all stressed out about the competition." Louis went on and all the boys nodded in agreement with a smile.

Louis hesitated for a while before he finished telling them about his memory of the bungalow.

"And you Harry...I thought you were beautiful and I felt the closest to you." He mumbled.

Harry blushed. Niall rolled his eyes before speaking.
"Nothing new about that."

"It is for me!" Louis defended himself.

Niall immediately looked guilty.
"I'm sorry Louis. Of course! I..."

"It's fine Niall. Don't worry. It's just weird you know? It's like I'm standing on the outside looking in. All of a sudden this movie is playing in my head and I don't know if it's something that really happened or if it's something I just made up." Louis tried to explain with a sigh.

"Just ask us." Zayn said and the other boys nodded encouragingly.

"Okay. I'll try." Louis agreed.


Harry went to bed early and Louis and the boys watched a movie before they headed home. Louis walked upstairs to go to sleep. When he passed Harry's bedroom door he heard a sound from inside. He stopped at the door to listen. Great, now he really was a creep. He was about to continue to his bedroom when he froze and wrinkled his eyebrows. Was Harry crying? He hesitated for a brief moment before he knocked on the door. God, he hoped that Harry wasn't doing something else more inappropriate for him to walk in on. He took a deep breath and opened the door and poked his head inside.

"Yeah?" Harry answered. His voice sounded muffled.

Louis took a step inside.
"Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"M'Fine." Harry answered with a thick voice.

Louis took the last steps to Harry's bed and sat down. Harry didn't turn around. Louis sighed and laid down and hugged him from behind. Harry broke down and started to sob loudly. He turned around and buried his face in Louis's shoulder and Louis just held him close. He whispered comforting nonsense in his ear and ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't really know what to do but he didn't like to see Harry this upset.

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