EM tries to ruin her daughter's wedding

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This just happened about 11 days ago during my step-daughters (SD) wedding/reception, with the EM being her mother. EM has been a em for as long as I have known her (20 years), but it's almost as if she was biding her time, waiting for this day to shine as the EM she truly is. For context, this woman has cheated on every single man she's ever had a significant relationship with. When SD was planning the wedding, she was considering having 4 of the men in her life who have had a major impact take turns walking her down the aisle. EM said, "You can't do that! It will make me look bad!" Like, bish, you did that yourself! This is how delusional this woman is.

Anyway, on to the story. Or rather, 5 mini stories that happened throughout the day.

Pre-ceremony, I sat in the left side front row, aisle seat, empty space to my left, and my son next to that space. my hubby (SD's father) was walking SD down the aisle, and I planned to move into the empty space so he could sit on the aisle seat after giving the bride away. As soon as I moved over, EM came out of nowhere and plopped her giant butt down in the aisle seat. I didn't want to make a scene during SD's wedding, so I just let it go, but I wanted to push her off the seat and tell her to get lost! She said, "They told me to sit here." There was no they, and nobody told her to sit there.

Between the ceremony and the reception is when the professional photographs were taken. It took more than an hour. Not surprisingly, SD's 1-year-old son started to get impatient and hungry. EM set him in a highchair at her table and gave him a tray full of watermelon. What's wrong with this, you ask? The boy had been the ring-bearer so was needed for some of the photographs, and he was still wearing his WHITE dress shirt. SD was livid when the boy was brought over for his photos and was covered in bright pink stains!

Because EM is notorious for making things needlessly difficult, SD didn't want her involved in any of the wedding planning, including but not limited to decorating. The night prior to the wedding, SD set up the reception are exactly how she wanted it so it was ready for the big day. A table near the dance floor included a rustic tree with photos hanging from it of loved ones who had passed and thus could not join the couple for their day. SD specified that the Memorial Table was to be kept clear of any other items, so that the loved ones would be the focus. While the couple was having the photographs taken, EM began her meddling. She removed a "Honeymoon Fund" box from the gifts/cards table and set it up on the Memorial Table, along with the leftover party favors - cheesy little foam camouflage can koozies. CAN. KOOZIES. On the Memorial Table!!! SD's dad and I couldn't keep quiet over this one and let SD know what EM had done. SD turned to me, once again livid, and said a simple, "Move. Them. Back." I replied with a knowing grin, "I thought so!" And so we moved them back.

Along the same lines, after she finished 'redecorating' the Memorial Table, EM did something that still boggles my mind. I get that she's the mother of the bride, but there are some things that even the mother of the bride just should not do. This woman had the audacity to REARRANGE THE HEAD TABLE!! The head table. The centerpiece of the reception. The place where most of the photographs would be taken during the reception. The table that the bride had decorated in exactly the way she wanted it. Nope. EM decided she could do it better. Who does that?!?

Finally to top off the night, EM had one last trick up her sleeve. SD's 1-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter were going home with SD's dad (my hubby) and me to spend the week with us while SD and her new hubby went on their honeymoon. It would be the first time for the little one to sleep over at our house. Because we knew it would be hard on him being someplace new in the first place, we wanted to make sure that he was actually tired and ready to sleep when we got home so hopefully he would just crash instead of lying awake crying. Nope. EM decided she knew better. She took the boy with her and sat down on a swinging bench, snuggled him up to her, and ROCKED. HIM. TO. SLEEP! It was about 8pm at that point, and we wouldn't be getting the kids home until around 10pm as it was, so having him sleep that close to bedtime meant he would never go back to sleep when it was time. I'd had enough. I'm surprised I was able to be kind, but I went up to her and said, "We don't want him sleeping now or he won't sleep when we get him home."

EM: But he hasn't slept all day!

Me: I realise that, but its too close to his bedtime now. He will be wide awake when he should be sleeping later.

EM: (In a super fake, honey-sweet voice) Oh, I didn't know!

Me: Okay, well...

I'm not good at confrontation, so I just started to walk away. Next thing I see is SD, looking angry and storming over toward EM and me. For a moment, I thought she was mad I had said anything to her mother. I should have known better, because next thing I know, she's walking up to me with baby boy in her arms, and she says jokingly, "Next time I have to tell off my mother and take my kid away from her, don't walk away!" We laugh, and she hands me baby boy, who I snuggle with, but keep awake until we pack up and leave an hour or so later.

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