"Hey, you can't park in a normal spot! You have a handicap placard!"

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A long time ago, a friend of mine, Kabar, broke his left leg doing something stupid. It wasn't completely shattered, but he wasn't able to walk on it for quite a while. After some time, he got the go-ahead to drive from his doctor, and got a temporary disabled parking permit for his car.

At this point, he was using crutches.

I went over to his place one day to hang out an after a couple of hours, his wife called and asked how the shopping went.

"What shopping?" Kabar asked.

The dummy forgot that it was his turn to do the grocery shopping.

So, naturally, we stop playing and hop in his car to drive to the grocery store.

As we're pulling into the parking lot, he goes for the front, I assume to park in the handicap spot. But he sees a regular spot open just next to the disabled spot, and resigns to simply park there instead.

He said, "I'm not that disabled; a wheeler might need that spot!"

We get out of the car and all of a sudden this crazy lady in a car behind us starts honking and yelling.

"Hey! You can't park there! There's a disabled spot right there!" She screamed.

Thinking she was confused, I said, "This is a normal parking spot; the disabled spot over there is free if you need it."

Apparently, Crazy didnt like my assumption of her being disabled.

"I'm not disabled, you retard! He is! (pointing to Kabar) I can see the handicap placard in your car; you have to move to the handicap spot! There aren't any other spots nearby and I have my kids with me and they don't want to walk that far!"

Kabar looks slightly hurt by her words, but responds, "Ma'am, yes, I do have a handicap permit, but I don't have to park in the handicap spot. I'm leaving it open incase someone with a greater disability arrives and needs to park; like someone with a wheelchair."

"That doesn't matter!" She pouts. "If you have a placard, you have to park there, IT'S THE LAW!"

We were getting ready to just leave Crazy be when a cop car happened to enter the lot, fairly close to where we were. Crazy starts violently honking and flashing her lights to get the cops attention, which she does as he flips on his lights and drives up to the area and gets out.

"What the hell's going on here?" He demands.

Crazy starts, "Officer, they're breaking the law! They're not parking in the handicap spot but they have a handicap placard!"

The officer did the same thing I did; he assumed that she meant we were in the handicap spot without a placard.

He turns to Kabar and says, "You have a handicap placard, son?"

"Yes, sir, I do. but, I'm not in a handicap spot. It's a normal parking spot."

The officer looks at the spot and confirms that it is indeed a normal spot.

He and kabar quickly go over the events that transpired.

The cop the goes to crazy.

"Ma'am, he doesn't have to park in the handicap spot just because he has a handicap placard. Now I suggest you take your kids and leave these boys alone and go on about your day." He says and stands there and waits for her to leave.

She tries to say something, but the officer loudly says, "Have a nice day."

Repeat three times. Crazy gets fed up and finally leaves (apparently without her groceries since she left the whole lot).

We both thank the officer, and he says, "Just don't mess that leg up again."

I almost wish a wheelchair user would have come at one point to puncture the matter, but unfortunately, that didn't happen >_<

We got the shopping done and went home. We told the story to Kabar's wife when she got home and she said, "That's what you get for forgetting to do the grocery shopping!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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