Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to My Daddy, for giving me inspiration!

D’s Point of view.

Lilly finally got out the shower, she’s so long, ive been home, well back to my room, showered, got changed and made it back.

“Why do you wear make up Miss Rose? You really don’t need it, your naturally beautiful” from saying that I saw her blush a little and she looked so cute.

I saw her pick up her foundation,

“Don’t even think about it”

“Why?” she whined.

“Because I told you not to, like I said previously your naturally beautiful, little bit of lip gloss that’s it please”

“Fine” she finally gave in while applying her lip gloss.

Lilly’s parents arrived and we met them at reception. Lilly walked over to them with a smile on her face, I knew it was fake but she forgets I know her inside and out.

She introduced me finally and I found out her parents names are, Alex and Claire.

“Well, Alex and Claire it is nice to meet you, now shall we?” I pronounced very elegant and kind as I pointed out towards there car.

“We shall” said Alex.

The drive wasn’t very long but I must say being in that car with Lilly’s parents that there blood did smell very delicious.

“Your parents blood smells delicious but not near as good as yours” I whispered in Lilly’s ear while slowly running my tounge around the bottom of her earlobe which caused her to giggle and I instantly moved away from her.

Once we arrived at Lilly’s parents house I instantly noticed the interior design.

Very modern with a hint of old fashion, everything was floral and had lots of different designs. The colours used were outstanding, they pulled the whole thing together. Cream, beige, light brown, white and occasionally a hint of black.

Lilly very politely asked if she could take me on a tour of there house which of course her parents agreed with therefore she took me straight to her room.

While walking up the stairs I could feel that she was looking at me in a very inappropriate way.

When we got to the landing Lilly pushed me against the wall and started kissing me while pushing herself upon me.

“Who’s the dirty minded one now? But no Lilly we cant do this in your parents house, as much as I want you they have only just met me it isn’t fair on them now stop because you aren’t being fair on me, please Lilly”

No matter how many times I said please Lilly just wouldn’t stop and I wasn’t sure if I could restrain myself 1 minute more.

I had Lilly in her room in under 2 seconds and myself within her in 3. I heard her little moan and I couldn’t maintain myself.

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