Chapter 14. Part 2

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Of course I would never drink from Lilly’s parents, I never would and I never have drunk from any body’s parents. Well I properly had but I didn’t know, when I was first constructed lets say I wasn’t under control and I always tried feeding of who I could. It was wrong I admit it but I just couldn’t help myself.

After I had grown up and learned to control myself I only have to feed every few days if not I go into my own little shell and I have to keep from feeding off anyone at school.

It has been hard being around all those teenagers, smelling there sweet blood under there skin and not drinking from them but I managed to and Lilly is the only person I have ever fed of like that but I just couldn’t help myself I love her.

As I finished my dinner I offered to help clean up but of course as I was a guest I wasn’t allowed and the women done the job.

Lilly and her mother went out the room, as soon as the door closed her fathers face snapped up and he looked me dead in the eyes,

“Now I know you like my daughter, and if you are serious about her then I give you this, it has been in my generation for years and yes I know its still early days but I want my daughter to be wed and start us a little group of grandchildren, I hope you can provide that for her D, now accept my gift and leave it at that”.

Lilly’s mother gave us a lift back to school about half 9 as we had lessons the next day, I didn’t want to tell Lilly about her fathers gift but she could tell something was wrong and I knew she would start asking questions as soon as we were out of this car and out of sight.

We said goodbye to Claire and I thanked her for dinner as we walked off hand in hand back to our main school door.

“So tell me about what my dad said when me and my mum left the room and don’t try saying he didn’t say anything because this is my dad we are talking about and I know him” she suddenly blurted out.

“He gave me this and told me he wants me to start his group of grandchildren” I said while showing her the ring inside a nice velvet box.

“Omg its gorgeous! You better ask me soon, I want that on my finger asap” she practically screamed while doing a happy dance.

People started looking so I puller her aside and walked her to her dorm.

I dropped her off and walked back to my dorm, I’m asking her tomorrow at lunch time in front of everyone.

I hardly slept that night I just kept thinking about tomorrow lunch time.

We met up in the lunch room and everyone was in there, okay this was it.

I walked straight up to Lilly, made her stand up, got down on one knee and said,

“Lilly-Mae Rose, I love you, will you give me the pleasure of being my wife?”

“Of course I will D”

Everyone clapped and screamed, I noticed Lilly look over at Nath so I looked and he just walked away looking hurt.

I knew she felt bad, I should have waited.

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