Chapter 17

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As I walked down the isle I saw so many faces I knew and some I didn’t so I take it they where D’s family.

They were awfully beautiful, ever so delicate, looked like they would just break if you touched them, proper little dollies but of course they wouldn’t because they were vampires and would bite your neck out. 

I saw my mum and my family, they looked beautiful and then I saw him.

My soon to be husband stood there in his suite, he looked unreal, he was my vampire in shining armour and as soon as I noticed him I could feel my pace quicker, I felt my dad try hold me back but that didn’t work he just had to keep up the pace. I wanted to be close to my future husband and I wanted to be close to him now.

Finally, I thought to myself. I was close enough to touch him and with that thought my hand traced his jaw line.

We said our vows and we were now officially pronounced husband and wife.

I was so happy and I could feel that D was to. We shared our first married kiss and turned to look at the people watching us.

My mum was crying off course as my father cradled her, D’s parents looked overly happy but of course they couldn’t cry, vampires just couldn’t because there insides die, they still feel emotions they just cant show them.

Me and D talked about everything like that when we talked about him turning me and as soon as this day was over and we were out of this county and to a desert island for a few months I could be a vampire and I could feed off living things and feel there blood sliding down my throat while I enjoyed and relaxed my sweet cravings.

We went to our venue where everything was pretty and princess for my big day. This was my day and no one was going to ruin it no matter what.

I arrived in my horse and carriage of course. I was the princess today. Everyone was here from school and that worried me especially with D’s family being here but I know they wouldn’t do anything like that to me or do as now I was there daughter in law.

“Can I talk to you alone for a second please Lilz?” Nath said. 

“Who invited you? I don’t even want to know. What do you want Nath? I have my after party to be getting on with, you know recently married” I spat while showing of my ring to him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, I didn’t hesitate because im not the kind of person to make a seen but I know D would knew. 

“What Nath?”

“Is this really what you wanted? All along? I love you Lilly and im not letting you go no matter what you say”

“Yes Nath this is what I wanted, I also know you love me and I did love you to but I found someone better im sorry but that’s all I can say, you wont see me again after tonight im going away and im not coming back, bye nath” and with that I walked away.

I didn’t feel like going back to the party I wanted some alone time so I took a walk into the forest.

‘why did I come here’ I thought to myself, it brought back memories from when I first came to the boarding school, first met Jaz all my best friends and now I had to leave them for the rest of there lives.

Moments later I realised tears running down my cheeks, I had been speaking aloud running through the memories and I hadn’t herd someone come up behind me but when I did, I had the biggest shock of my life.

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