Chapter 5

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As i walked into the coffee shop i ordered my usual, double latte with 3 sugars. I paid and decided to go up to Naths dorm as he wasn't anywhere that he would normally be.

'Shall i do this' i thought to myself but i knew i was just being stupid and i needed to make it right between us. At the end of they day i had feelings for his boy aka player and he had to know about them to make a decision as to whether he wanted me or not.

I knocked on his door and his friend LJ answered, we dont get on. 

"Um hi, is Nath here?"

"Yeah come on in I'm heading out anyway and sorry for everything Ive ever done to you" he said while slowly moving past me. I just nodded and walked inside.

Nath was no where to be seen but LJ said he was here so i decided to go and look in the bathroom.

As i walked through the door Nath was stood there fully naked brushing his teeth, he did look sexy though his whole body showing but i could only see the back and he still looked sexy all his muscles showing.

"Nath" i said ever so quietly,

"Lilz" he said while jumping round and grabbing a towel to cover himself up a little bit.

"Sorry, LJ said you were in here and i could find you so decided to have a look in here i just wanted to talk but i will be going bye Nath" i said while slowly walking towards his door.

"No stay, have a seat we need to talk just give me a minute to put some clothes on ha ha" he said while winking in my direction.

I sat on his bed and waiting for which felt like forever but it was properly only a few minutes. Nath came out in a pair of black and purple Adidas joggers and a purple Soul Cal top. Boy he looked sexy if i do say so myself and wearing my favourite colour purple made it even better.

"Lilz i have feelings for you and i don't know how to explain them because Ive never felt like this towards any other girl, they were only toys i used to use them and i realize now i was dumb, all this time you have been eyeing me up and Ive just ignored you but your a really nice girl and i want you to be my girlfriend" he explained while sitting on the edge of the bed, looking into my eyes and holding my hand.

"Nath i really don't know what to say, and yes i will be your girlfriend but you have to explain to me all about that girl yesterday because that really hurt me and" i tried saying back but he cut my off by putting his finger over my lips and said, 

"She came on to me i promise i hate her shes my ex girlfriend Chloe she really wants me back but i hate her and when you had a go at me yesterday it hurt to but LJ told me not to follow you because Chloe was coming over to ask about the scene and didn't want you and her arguing, see his does look out for you because he knows i care about you now please kiss me?"

I kissed him but it wasn't any normal kiss, i felt something and it truly felt magical, its so hard to put into words but when our lips met it was like never before have i felt such passion and love explode through my body.

One thing led to another and before i know  it LJ walked through the door and i woke up just wearing Nath's top. Oh crap i thought but when i looked over Nath was there smiling half asleep and as if he hadn't noticed LJ he rolled on top of me and started kissing me again.

LJ made a fake sarcastic cough and Nath laughed but carried on kissing me and caressing my body, once through i told LJ to wait outside so i could get dressed and head back to my dorm as i was very hungry and wasn't sure what the time was but i know it had to be around 6 or 7.

Nath walked me back to my dorm kissed me on the cheek and said bye so i headed up to my room where Jaz, Becki and LV were all waiting for my news so i jumped in the shower and once out we all sat on my bed with loads of food and i told them everything but left out all the graphic details.

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