Chapter 8

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Me and Nath decided to go out for the day, he invited a few friends so i invited Jaz, Becki and Loui but i also invited D.

Nath got a bit jealous but he had to accept D was my friend now and i was close to him so if i wanted him to come somewhere he would and there was nothing Nath could do about that.

We stopped at McDonald's because Jaz and Becki kept going on about being hungry and i wasn't putting up with that all day. 

Like normal they got there hash browns and a coffee and took forever to eat them. 

Finally they were finished and we headed out to the water park.

My mum used to bring me here when i was little so it brought back some good memories but some not so good.

See i never told anyone about my mum not even my best friends but me and my mum never was close until she changed her ways and treated me like a daughter instead of a toy who she used to parade around.

When my mum had me she was only 18, she didnt and still doesnt know my real dad, she was a drug addict and used to drink a lot.

I was a one night stand baby who she didn't plan on keeping but my grandmother changed her mind in hope that she would change her ways, grow up and be a proper mother to me.

To her i was just a toy she never changed, she stopped drinking yeah but she didn't stop doing drugs.

I never knew what drugs she was on i never asked because to be honest i didn't want to know.

My mum went out every weekend leaving me with my grandmother but sometimes she would stay away for a whole week and come back complaining about me saying she never wanted me and i was a mistake.

When i started talking and walking i think reality hit her and she knew she had to grow up and take care of me so she did.

She met the man i call dad to this day, Alex. He really made the most of her and me, took us both in took care off us put me into school, married my mum and we was finally a proper family.

At the age of 12 my grandmother started telling me stories about my mum from when i was little, the truth is i started to rebel.

When i hit 13 i had been to 4 different schools because i was so bad nowhere could keep me more than a week.

That's when my dad Alex put me in this boarding school and i have been here ever since.

My relationship got stronger with my mum when she started telling me the truth which i didnt want to hear but i knew i had to.

Fair play to my mum now, she does everything for me because im an only child i do get a little bit spoilt.

Mum rings me once a week to ask how i am and how schools going, if i need any money the usual really but im okay with that because at least i know shes showing me she cares.

All that time spent thinking about my mum i hadnt noticed i had fallen asleep laying in the sun.

I looked over and saw Nath chilling but he noticed me and decided to come over and give me a quick kiss before picking me up and chucking me in the pool.

What Nath didn't know is i cant swim, and I'm in the deep end slowly sinking beneath the water.

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