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Kyung Mi's pov

The week passed by really fast and tomorrow's the weekends. I'm currently in my bedroom, writing my diary to pass the time.

I finished writing for today's stuff in my diary. Nothing much happened in school today, I did my assignments and handed in by today like the goody two shoes I am

I did my notes for today's law class about Civil Liberties & Human Rights. Man, it's officially my favorite topic of all now.

I stared outside through my window, admiring the beautiful night sky while my head lays on my hands on the table.

How long has it been since I've looked through the window? Han Gyeom said that I usually go to bed early so I didn't have time to admire the scenery, maybe that's why I've been missing out on the picture.

'Just let me loveeeeeeee you (let me love, let me love you)'

My phone suddenly rang and I picked it up from the side of my table with a smile on my face knowing who the caller is.


I've set his name with a ringtone of a song that I've recently listened to which is called 'Serendipity' because I find it a coincidence that the artist who sung this song is also called Park Jimin and he is an amazing singer I'll tell you. I literally could just fall in love with this man due to his beautiful vocals.


I think not.

Oh ya, and now back to Jimin.

The one who I can actually see and befriend without any worries.

"Hello? Jimin?" I picked up the call.

"Well good evening Miss Song." Jimin said through the other line, making me blushed.

Ok, if I can't date idol Jimin then I can always consider dating this gentleman Jimin.

"W-What's up?" I asked, stuttering in the process. Cue the facepalm.

If you're wondering, Jimin and I got quite close recently. He's been sending me off to all my classes and he even bought me lunch sometimes. Yes, he does tease me every time I blushed at his behavior.

You can't deny he's actually a perfect the boyfriend material right.

And just like that, we've become close friends who can rely on each other. That's good right and no, we're not a couple. Yet.

"Just checking up on my little sweet pea. So... are you excited about tomorrow?" Jimin said and I couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"You're smiling right now aren't you?"

"N-Noo!!! A-and even if I am, does it c-concern to you?" I protest and I swear I can hear him chuckling on the other side.

"Sweet pea, you do know you can't hide the truth away from me right. I can sense that you're more nervous than me for tomorrow's date."

"Yah! Stop teasing me already Jimin-ah! I-It's normal for girl's to be nervous." I pouted as I yelled through the line.

"Don't tell me... the great Park Jimin is nervous eh?" I fired back but only hearing a laugh from him.

"Alright ya got me, it's actually my first time taking a girl out with me on a date. Especially someone as pretty as you..." I blushed at his statement.

"You're blushing aren't you, Kyung Mi." I swear I can sense him smirking already.

"S-shut up!" I spatted and he chuckles as we continue our conversation through the phone.

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