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Author's pov
"And what brings you here... mother..." Hangyeom asked as he eyed his own mother. 

"Well that's one way to great your own mother now is it?" President Song spatted as her gaze sets on the girl behind Hangyeom.

"Isn't this Lee Chae Seon?! My, you look different since the last time I saw you."

President Song walked sassily yet dangerously towards the girl in a slow-paced and eyed the poor girl head to toe to get a good glimpse of her appearance.

"Planning to take my son back since once you've completed your studies?" President Song asked as she crossed her arms. Chae Seon quickly shook her head without hesitation but it doesn't seem to convince President Song.

"N-no you're mistaken ma'am... I came back to Korea... just to fulfill my promise that I've made before." Chae Seon explained.

Indeed it is true. Once she graduated from the medical university in Singapore, she flew straight back to Korea as a surgeon and started working for this hospital since then. 

She did her research and is aware that this hospital has a secret partnership with the assassin organization. That's why she applied to this specific hospital in order to fulfill her promise which was made 5 years ago despite wanting to stay and work in Singapore.

"Judging from the way I saw just now with you and my son, it seems like those intentions have faded..." Chae Seon widened her eyes.

"No mother!" Hangyeom yelled as her eyes move towards him.

"It was me. I was the pushy one, Chae- Doctor Lee had nothing to do with it. She was only just the victim..." Hangyeom defended as President Song sighed.

"I expect more from you Hangyeom..." President Song said as she eyed the doctor next to her.

"If that's so you must be busy then, Ms. Lee. I apologized on behalf of my son." President Song apologized but Chae Seon just bowed.

"I can assure you ma'am, that today's incident will not repeat itself in the future ever again." Chae Seon assured as she left the scene without sparing Hangyeom a glance.

Hangyeom looked hurt as he saw her walking further away from them and soon she disappeared from his sight.

Just like 5 years ago, how she left him alone back in the cold abandon fighting ring.

President Song noticed her son but didn't care much as he straightened himself up.

"And why are you still doing here?" Hangyeom asked as his mother just scoffed.

"I heard what happened to Rose so I decided to pay a visit." President Song explained as she tried getting past Hangyeom but tough luck.

 "She doesn't want to see you..." President Song raised an eyebrow.

"You abused and left her years ago out in the street and now you suddenly come back and expect her to welcome you with open arms?! I don't think so, mother." Hangyeom barked.

"With all due respect mother, I can't let you see her..." 

Hangyeom eyed his mother as well as her. 

It was like a mother and son showdown.


"J-Jimin?!" Kyung Mi muttered under her breath as she dropped her her sandwich box onto the ground.

Jimin literally didn't say a word as he rushes towards her and basically throws himself to her.

He couldn't believe his eyes at what he had just witnessed. She was fine all along and happened to be in the same hospital as him. 

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