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Kirishima was so lost in thought that he did not see (y/n) come up to him and wave her hand in front of his face. Kirishima snapped out of his thoughts "So you like what you see, take a picture it will last longer" (y/n) said laughing at how red Kirishima's face turned.

"Sorry... hmm I came to apologise for Bakugou he can be like that sometimes so sorry" Kirishima said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "It's cool so where is the hothead blonde, I thought the two of you were traveling together" (y/n) said not seen Bakugou around.

Completely forgetting that Mina told her not to talk to strangers, but here she is talking to Kirishima.

"Bakubro kinda left me and went home. So how far is your Granny's cottage from here?" Kirishima asked. "Well straight down this path and down that hill over there, that's the direction to Granny's cottage" (y/n) said showing Kirishima the way to Granny's cottage "Why" (y/n) asked Kirishima.

"Huh I... can I join you on your walk if that's okay with you if not it's cool" Kirishima replied with a nervous smile. (y/n) nodded "Why not the more the merrier right" she said with a smile. Kirishima nodded has an answer and with that they set of to Granny's cottage together.

Has they were walking Kirishima noticed a path way filed with flowers "we should pick some flowers up for (y/n)'s granny, I should tell her" Kirishima thought to himself. "Hey (y/n)" Kirishima said form behind her, stopping (y/n) turned around and looked at him "Yep" "uh does your grandmother like flowers? Why don't you pick some for her from that path over there" Kirishima said pointing to the flowers.

"That's a great idea Kirishima thanks" (y/n) said hopping happily to pick the flowers up. "You can call me Kiri if you want to" Kirishima said while picking flowers not look at (y/n) has he spoke. "Kiri I like it, it's cute just like you" (y/n) replied without thinking only to realize that she just called him cute causing her face to turn red as Kirishima's hair.

Kirishima turned 50 shades of red "s-she t-thinks I-I'm c-cute" Kirishima thought looking at (y/n) he decided to be bold "So you think I'm cute" he said with a smirk.

Red Riding Hood ( Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now