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"No no no I'm not busy at all grandmother ,I'll be there with the Cheese Cake see you in a bit bye granny "(Y/N) replied.

"Bye Red" said Granny hanging up the call "So how's granny " Mina said putting the pie in the oven " She said that she's feeling much better, I'm going to take some of the Cheese cake for her is that okay Mina" ( Y/N) asked while walking to the fridge with a container to put the Cheese cake inside.

"Go ahead oh and don't forget the lemonade I made for granny" Mina said " hahaha I have never forgotten anything unlike you" (Y/N) said picking the basket up and  placing the container with the Cheese cake and bottle of lemonade inside."Okay Miss perfect " Mina said laughing.

Putting on her red hooded coat on and taking the basket in her hand (Y/N) walked to the door and stepped outside closing the door. Mina open the door and yelled "HEY DON'T STRAY FROM THE PATH AND DON'T TALK TO ANYONE ON YOUR WAY, YOU GOT THAT" (Y/N) stop and turned around " THANKS FOR TELLING ME MUMMY and plus I can't help it when I see something eye catching BYE!". Running away from Mina so she won't have to hear her say that she is acts like a 5 year old.

As (Y/N) embarks on her adventure to Granny's cottage, on her way she mets two wolves, "they seemed to be the same height the one on the right has red hair, crimson eyes and a smile on his face, he looks happy and kinda cute☺️.

As (Y/N) embarks on her adventure to Granny's cottage, on her way she mets two wolves, "they seemed to be the same height the one on the right has red hair, crimson eyes and a smile on his face, he looks happy and kinda cute☺️

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The one on the left has ash blonde hair, red eyes god did he look like he hated the world and everyone in it

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The one on the left has ash blonde hair, red eyes god did he look like he hated the world and everyone in it. I better make a run for it don't want to be in HIS way "(Y/N) thought has she was making her way pass them.

Only to be stopped by the cute red hair wolf.

Red Riding Hood ( Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now