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I'm soooo sorry for not updating i was busy but here is chapter 7 hope you all enjoy it (sorry for any wrong grammer😣 )

(Y/N) was thinking about what happened at Granny's cottage, the thought made her blush. (y/n) turns around to talk to Kirishima, but when she looked at him her face got even more red. "His soooo handsome Spike red hair, beautiful crimson eyes that shines in the light, he as a scar just above his right eye WOW🤩 it makes him look so manly, well build and shark like teeth 'cute'😍" (y/n) thought has she was watching the sunset in front of her and Kirishima.

At that moment her heart was beating so fast that even Kirishima could hear it and her face was redder than her coat. "What's this strange feels I can't breath, my hearts beating really fast, my face is heating up or crap this is what Mina keeps talking about. I think I'm in love ... wait, WHAT LOVE NONONO THIS IS NOT LOVE, I CAN'T BE IN LOVE, WE JUST MET and plus I don't think he has the same feeling for me". (y/n) mentally yelled at herself.

"What's happening to me this feeling I have for her, it's like love at first sight. Apart of me wants to tell her how I feel about her, but I'm just scared that she won't feel the same way about me" Kirishima thought he sighed sadly. (y/n) took note of this and wanted to know what made him sad "uh hey Kiri are you okay is they something on your mind, you can tell me if you want I won't judge you" (y/n) asked Kirishima wanting to know if they is anything she can do to make him feel better.

"Oh it's nothing really ... So you don't have to worry" Kirishima said well waving his hands around feeling embarrassed. "Kiri is this about what happened at Granny's cottage?. When Denki was with you, you kinda looked uncomfortable and sad did Denki say anything to you? his a idiot so don't worry about him okay ". (y/n) said with a smile and a hint of pink on her cheeks.

"uh a-are y-you and kaminari d-dating or something?" Kirishima asked well rubbing the back of his neck feeling nervous and his cheeks turning red.
(y/n) started to laugh at the question "Are you ... kidding ... me you ... got me all ... w-worried and ... you were s-sad about that." (y/n) said while laughing, she stopped laughing and took in a deep breath.

She walked towards Kirishima she rafted his hair "We are just friends plus his a flirt and a idiot, his not my type" (y/n) said with a smirk making Kirishima to blush. "Maybe I can tell how I feel" Kirishima thought to himself.

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