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Avoiding the question (y/n) was a blushing Mass "uh y-you can call me (n/n) if you want" (y/n) said standing up with a handful of flowers. She turned around and started to walk away leaving Kirishima behind.

Kirishima got up with his flowers and started walking behind her. They walked in a comfortable silence both lost in they own thoughts."I said HE IS CUTE, well it's not like his not BUT still too" (y/n) yelled in her head.

" it's cute just like you" Kirishima couldn't stop hearing those words over and over again, which caused his cheeks to turn pink. The both of them was so lost in thought that they were unaware that they had reached Granny's cottage.

"Looks like we are here" (y/n) said with a smile "WOW it's a really beautiful place" Kirishima said looking at Granny's cottage. The cottage looked like it was in the middle of a beautiful garden, with a gravel path that want all the way to the stairs that led to the front porch and a rose bush covered the sides of the cottage.

Nodding (y/n) and Kirishima make they way to the front door, (y/n) gently knocked on the door waiting for a reply a minute of waiting the door is opened by Denki Kaminari her grandmother's best friends grandson, they kinda grow up together. He always comes to visit when his not working with Sero in the forest, but half of the time his never at work.

"Hey Denki what brings you here did they finally firer your lazy ass" (y/n) was trying not to laugh "Anyway this is Kiri" (y/n) said pointing to Kirishima beside her. "Hey Eijirou Kirishima nice to meet you" Kirishima said putting his hand out "Hey Denki Kaminari nice to meet you too" Kaminari replied shaking Kirishima's hand, he turned to look at (y/n) "I came over to see how granny is doing and no they did not firer me" Kaminari said with a smirk.

Red Riding Hood ( Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now