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The three of them walked inside Granny's cottage. Kirishima on the other hand was feeling uncomfortable from the moment he met Denki. He wasn't sure why but he was feeling a mix of sadness and jealous.

Kirishima thought it would be best to push those feeling too the side for now. (y/n) went to the kitchen to leave the cheese cake and lemonade that she brought for granny. Kirishima and Denki followed her to the kitchen, Kirishima completely forgetting about the flowers in his hands untill Denki spoke "Are those for me? You shouldn't have" Denki said with a smile

Kirishima looked at the flowers in his hand " what of cause not dude" Kirishima turned to look at Denki " it's for (y/n)'s grandmother" Kirishima replied

"Haha I'm just messing with you dude " Denki said with his hand on Kirishima's shoulder.(y/n) took Kirishima's and her flowers and puts them in a vase in the middle of the kitchen table, then the three of them went to see granny.

Has they entered Granny's room they saw her sitting on the bed with a book in her hand and reading glasses on " Red you came, Denki here would not stop talking I feel sorry for his girlfriend" Granny said with a light laugh. Denki held the middle of his shirt were his heart is "You broke my heart granny" Denki said dramatically making everyone in the room laugh.

"Denki is so dramatic my you brought your boyfriend to meet granny how sweet and his cute has well and a wolf" Granny said with a smirk, Denki started to laugh Kirishima and (y/n) both became flustered at what granny said.

"What ... NO GRANNY!" (y/n) said trying to hide her blushing face."Anyway this is Eijirou Kirishima and we just met" (y/n) introduced Kirishima to her granny "Hello it's nice to meet you" Kirishima said with only a hint of pink on his cheeks. "It's nice to meet you too little wolf" Granny replied with a smile.

"Granny I brought the cheese cake and lemonade for you, I left it in the kitchen" (y/n) said to granny. After they all were done eating (y/n) washed the dishes, Kirishima and (y/n) said they good byes and leaves. Enjoying the cool afternoon breeze the two takes a slow walk back enjoying the others presences.

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