There's a Truth Not Many Know

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Author's note: Geoffrey looks something like this model up here. Notice his eyes?


"Ouch!" Jacob grumbled as he pushed aside the large branch that had previously bopped him on the nose.

He wished that Ms. Peregrine would consider trimming the underbrush that concealed the entrance to the loop, but that would considerably remove much of the natural camouflage that provided the Peculiars with a sufficient hiding spot.

The sounds of children laughing brought a smile to his face, telling him that he was not far from his destination. 

A trip around a well-rounded bush revealed the darkened roof of the Peculiar Mansion with its lush gardens and topiaries surrounding the dull brick. Beyond that was a clearing and from there Jacob could spot Emma Bloom playing with little Claire and Bronwyn. 

She noticed him and waved, cheerfully. He waved back.

Bronwyn rushed over, wrapping her tiny arms as far as they would go around Jacob's legs. With an effortless shrug, she hoisted him up, grinning widely with delight.

Claire giggled and clapped her hands while Millard emerged from behind them (in clothes, thankfully). The invisible Peculiar presented Jacob with a friendly tip of his hat, delighted to see him as well.

While struggling to maintain his balance in Bronwyn's grip, Jacob noticed Enoch O'Conner glaring at him from under the shade of a nearby tree. Olive sat nearby and she offered him a shy smile and a small wave.

When Enoch turned his gaze on her, she stopped waving.

The Twins were playing a round of patty-cake under another tree, while Hugh stood near a topiary, his bees searching for fresh flowers to pollinate.

Horace sat comfortably nearby on a deck chair, reading avidly from a thick novel.

After Bronwyn let go, Jacob stumbled towards the house. He jogged up the front steps, positioning his fist to knock. He didn't get the chance, as seconds later, the door opened to reveal Ms. Alma Peregrine.

"Mr. Portman, how charming! You are exactly five seconds early." She spoke, as sort of a greeting.

"Lovely morning, isn't it?" Jacob paused to catch his breath.

She nodded, curtly, closing the door behind her.

"I was just about to go for some fresh air. Care to join us?"

When he confirmed, she led him back towards the garden. 


Jacob had only be gone a few minutes, but when he returned with Ms. Peregrine, the garden had changed. 

A long table was set across the grass, complete with chairs, plates, and napkins. Millard was setting down the cutlery, which appeared as if the forks and knifes were floating over their correct positions on the table.

Horace and Emma were setting the plates while Fiona poured water into the awaiting glasses.

Enoch was still scowling as Jacob approached.

"What is all this?" He asked.

"Why, we're eating alfresco dear friend!" Horace exclaimed from his seat.

"Sit next to me, Jacob!" Claire pulled on his sleeve.

"No, me!" Bronwyn pulled on the other, gently, which to Jacob felt like his arm was in danger of tearing from its socket.

Mrs. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children: The HollowWhere stories live. Discover now