That The Wind Slips Through Your Window

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Jacob cursed as one of his boots sunk deep into marsh mud. 

He figured instead of taking the forest route, he'd try making his way to the loop entrance through the swamp surrounding the back of the orphanage ruins.

How wrong he had been.

Pulling out his leg, which had been half-submerged in the muck, he limped towards the cave entrance. 

Checking behind him to make sure no Hollowghasts had followed, he slipped inside.

He quickly found himself back in the sylvan gardens of the Peculiar grounds, teeming with blossoms and hedges of all colors and shapes.

Speaking of shapes...

Jacob heard the calling of the children and quickened his pace.

Surely they had missed him and couldn't wait to invite him to play...

As he turned a corner, what he saw made him pause.

The topiaries had changed, many of which had overgrown their unusual shapes. Gone were the centaurs and animals and other menacing figures.

Instead, Geoffrey was balancing on a small stepladder, trimming a hedge into the form of a person.

Squinting, Jacob could make out the hourglass figure of a tall woman with dark vines for a dress and a curved wooden branch jutting from her mouth resembling a pipe...

Jacob did a double-take. The topiary looked exactly like Ms. Peregrine.

Looking around the garden, he counted several more bushes like it, only in the form of the other Peculiar residents.

There was an Olive, holding out one leave hand, overflowing with a bright bouquet of "fire" consisting of red and orange blossoms.

There was a small pair of Twin topiaries, each holding half of a teddy bear like when Jacob first laid eyes on them.

There was a Horace topiary, decorated with sweet honeysuckle blooms where real life bees hovered to pollinate.

There was even a Millard topiary, with wires holding his leafy hat above his headless bush torso.

Jacob saw the topiaries real-life counterparts frolicking in the sun, pointing at their bushes, clearly impressed.

Jacob hurried over, catching up.

"Where's Ms. Peregrine?" He asked them.

"Dunno. But Geoff's doing a pretty good likness of her." Millard responded.

"Think he'll make one of me?" Fiona asked.

"I'll ask him for you." Jacob quickly offered.

He turned and marched over towards the weight.

"Fancy meeting you here," Jacob tried not to sound cold.

"Hullo, Jacob! Lovely morning, isn't it?" The weight turned, peering at Jacob's muddy boot.

"Fancy a stroll through the swamp, did you? Mind, I hope you weren't too fond of your footwear."

"Is that your peculiarity? Making bushes look like people?" Jacob changed the subject, hoping to get some information.

Geoffrey turned back to the topiary, cutting a few leaves, leaving a clever smirk that closely resembled Ms. Peregrine's.

"Nah. Not too found of gardening, but it does help pass the time." He smiled, showing a hint of his unusually sharp teeth.

Jacob winced on reflex, and Geoff quickly closed his mouth.

"Oi Fiona! Can I get a few branches on the left?" He called to the small redhead.

She grinned, thrusting out a hand. With her power, she made bush Ms. Peregrine grow a few extra branches on her upper left side.

"Thanks, love," Geoffrey turned back, cutting away.

Little Claire rushed over in her frilly pink dress, and tugged at Geoffrey's pant leg,

"Hmm? What is it, princess?" 

He stepped off the ladder, bending down until he was ear-level with her.

Jacob stared, wondering why he wasn't afraid. Claire's front mouth was pretty enough, but her back mouth was large, full of razor-sharp fangs.

I guess that's one thing they have in common, Jacob thought to himself.

Claire whispered something into Geoffrey's ear. He nodded, thoughtfully, then smiled.

Jacob took this moment to slip away, heading towards the house.

He slipped through the hedges and towards the front door.

"Any luck Mr. Portman?" A voice asked.

Jacob turned to see Ms. Peregrine--the real one--puffing her pipe on the porch.

"No. He won't answer me." Jacob said.

Ms. Peregrine puffed more smoke, staring thoughtfully at the garden below.  

"Have you tried asking the children? They seem to have better luck." 

Jacob coughed, attempting to wave away the clouds of smoke. When it cleared, he realized Ms. Peregrine had left him on the porch. And she was heading straight for Geoffrey.

Fearing for the headmistress's safety, Jacob rushed after her.

"Mr. Combs!" Ms. Peregrine called.

Everyone, including Geoffrey came to attention. 

"Yes, Miss?" Geoffrey turned, smiling.

"I've decided that you need an assistant. Mr. Portman will suffice." She said, nodding at Jacob.

Geoffrey peered at Jacob, who was shifting nervously from one foot to the other behind Ms. Peregrine's back.

"If you say so, Miss." He shrugged.

"I do say so," Ms. Peregrine turned to face the topiary resembling herself.

There was a hint of tension in the summer breeze.

Thankfully, Millard chose that moment to speak up.

"When's lunch?"

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