About the World While You're Asleep

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"You're a wight!"


The wight--Geoffrey--frowned. He brought up his hands to his face, approximately near his eyes.

When he noticed the glasses on the floor, he immediately bent down and scooped them up.

"Oh dear..." He stared at Jacob, pale eyes unblinking. "Looks like the cat is out of the bag."

Bronwyn, no longer laughing, stared up at Geoffrey, her bottom lip trembling.

Ms. Peregrine quickly went over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Come Bronwyn, let's go outside," she advised.

As they departed, Jacob continued to stare. "How are you even here?"

"That is a very good question, Mr. Portman." Ms. Peregrine returned, shutting the door behind her.

"Geoffrey here was found roaming the grounds about three months ago. We took him in shortly afterwards."

"God bless you for it, Alma," Geoffrey murmured, replacing his glasses.

Ms. Peregrine paused. "It was against my better judgement, Mr. Combs. Do not think that your stay here is permeant."

"She works me to the bone," Geoffrey said addressing Jacob. "In exchange for food and room, I take care of the mansion while she looks after the children."

Ms. Peregrine took Jacob's arm. "Geoffrey, could I have a word with Mr. Portman? I heard we may have disturbed you in your culinary duties."

"Hmm? Oh! Yes, I'll get to it."

He smiled at her, rows of shark-like teeth gleaming. "Lovely meeting you, Jacob."

With that, Ms. Peregrine led Jacob out onto the front porch.

"What is a wight doing here???" Jacob exclaimed. 

Ms. Peregrine sighed, "I suppose it's my fault. The children found him and took pity on him. They wanted him to stay and I allowed it."

"That's why I introduced you to him. Mr. Combs hasn't proven himself a threat recently, but that all may change. The Hollowghasts are becoming more and more desperate for Peculiars and a wight like him may be the breach they need to get it."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Simply put, I need you to keep an eye on him. I can't watch him and the children at the same time and I need someone with an objective opinion to ascertain if he really is up to no good. Frankly, the children adore him, so I can't really trust them to spy on him."

"You want me to spy...on a wight??"

"Yes, do keep up Mr. Portman. If we are discovered, we can't risk having a mole among us leading the Hollows to our newfound location. I am only asking that you keep up with him; make sure he isn't up to any mischief that may cost us our security."

Seeing Jacob's obvious discomfort, she took a hand to his shoulder.

"I realize that I am asking a lot of you, but please consider the children. I need to protect them Jacob and I will need your help."

Jacob swallowed and glanced back at the doorway.

"I'll do it."

Mrs. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children: The HollowWhere stories live. Discover now