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"Everyone has a plan until they've been hit."
– Joe Lewis

Paris pov

"Paris wake up," my best friend Eden said as she shook my body, waiting for my response.

"I don't want to go to school today," I groaned, flipping over as I pulled the blanket over my head, blocking the sun out of my face.

"No no no come on get up you have to go plus its senior year we have 5 more months left!" She stated as she shook me even more until I finally got up. I've been staying with her and her parents for the past 2 nights because I couldn't sleep at home; my mom had men in and out the house, and her alcohol and drug problem is getting worse by the minute and to add to it she hits me when she gets super drunk. She's been like this since the day my father got killed when I was 11 years old.

"Go shower and hurry before we're late for school." she said as I rushed into the bathroom, taking a quick shower, then doing my hygiene. After that I curled my hair that I had been in for a good 4 weeks now and got dressed.

 After that I curled my hair that I had been in for a good 4 weeks now and got dressed

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"I'm ready." I told my best friend Eden as I walked out the bathroom, adjusting my hair.

" I told my best friend Eden as I walked out the bathroom, adjusting my hair

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"Okay come on." She tilted her head in the direction of the door as I grabbed my school bag, and we made our way downstairs. Eden's mom was a nurse, and her father was a lawyer, so you could say Eden was a bit on the wealthy side, but she never rubbed it in my face, but she would always try to help me out, but I never took it; I didn't want to feel like a burden to her.

"Good morning." I told her parents as I made my way inside the kitchen.

"Good morning, Paris." Her mom smiled at me before handing me and Eden $20 dollars each for lunch.

"Thank you." I said giving her a hug, placing the money in my pocket.

"No problem sweetie, see you guys later," We waved her bye before leaving the house in Eden's 2022 BMW.

We got to school in no time, we were now standing by our lockers before a group of girls came up to me and her starting with us.

"Well, if it isn't the crack baby herself, Paris how did you even pay for this cheap thrift store outfit?" One of the girls said as she pulled on my dress.

"Alexis, leave her alone." Eden said to the girl before she turned to Eden, slapping her books out of her hand.

"Leave us alone, Alexis." I said calmly.

"Or else?" She said as her group of friends started laughing.

I took a deep breath before snatching her by her hair and bashing her head into the locker repeatedly. I was so fed up by everyone bullying and picking on me to the point where I snapped.

"LET MY HAIR GO YOU POOR BITCH!" She yelled, as she tried to pull away from me, but my grip on her was too tight.

"No bitch you'll learn to leave me alone now." I said, continuing to bash her head until I saw blood. Eden even started punching her as I kept hitting her head.

"Ms. Johnson and Ms. Hall that is enough!" The principle said running down the hallway trying to pull me and Eden off Alexis, but I wasn't stopping because I just saw red.

"STOP!" She yelled again at me and I just froze as I dropped her head, watching her body drop to the floor.

"SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!" The principal yelled as she tried to listen to Alexis' pulse; I'm pretty sure she was just unconscious.

"You two my office now!" She pointed to her office door, we both sighed before walking down the halls seeing the shocked looks on everyone's faces.


After getting suspended for 7 days, me and Eden went to her house. "Did you hear anything about Alexis?" I asked her, biting my nails as I paced around her room.

"Yeah, she has a concussion, she lost a lot of blood, so she slipped into a coma." Eden said, and those words were like bullets being sent through my body. I had so much anger built up in me to the point where I beat someones child into a coma.

"Oh my god." I sighed.

"Girl, she asked for it now don't beat yourself up about it. Come on let's go shopping and get our nails done to get your mind off it." she said as she grabbed her purse and keys.

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sorry it's so short, lmao.

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