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Paris pov

Waking up the next morning, looking around I noticed I was in a unfamiliar room. As I was about to get up I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my stomach. Once I realized what was going on I started to panic, my stomach sinking in as my eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled, pushing the hands from my stomach as the person's face was turned the opposite way from me. But when I began shouting until they woke up.

"Damn, why you screaming it's 2:30 in the afternoon." Izzy said, still half sleep and I could hear the tiredness in his voice it was so cute but I was still in a panic.

"WHAT? Why am I even here and my head is killing me." I said, rubbing my throbbing head it felt like someone was kicking me in my head constantly.

"Relax you had too many drinks and you passed out so we just brought you up here to rest. Rosa's downstairs still sleeping." He told me, giving him a weird look, I getting out of the bed.

"Where's the bathroom and where's my phone?" I asked looking around for my phone which was no where to be found.

"Your phone is on the dresser and the bathroom is over there if you needa change I can give you something of mine." He offered, I shook my head before giving him a low thank you before going to handle my business in the bathroom. When I got out I changed into a big white tee shirt and some grey sweatpants that he gave me.

Once I finally got a good look at my phone I peeped I had hella miss calls from Killa and my grandparents. I decided to call Killa first.

Killa: "Oh now you wanna answer what you doing yo and where you at. Wasn't you suppose to be back by this time?"

Me: "Yeah but things happen-" I was cut off when Izzy came knocking on the door.

"I ordered you some Denny's through UberEats ma, it's out here." He said and I tried to mute my side but it was to late, i'm sure Killa had already heard.

Killa: "Ahhhh, that's what's going on I see how it is matter fact take your time coming back, I ain't rushing you."

That's all that was said before he hanged up on me. I rolled my eyes before leaving out the room to go eat.

"Thanks." I told him, entering the kitchen grabbing the Denny's bag.

"You have to go soon?" He asked me as he seen me getting my stuff together to leave.

"Yeah, I don't stay down here I was just visiting for the weekend I live like 3 hours away from here."

"Oh, well keep in contact." I gave him a side smile before going to tell Rosa we we're leaving.

An Hour Later..

Once I finally got all my stuff from my Nana and papas house, I was on the highway doing at least 120 because it was a open road. I got home 20 minutes earlier than expected.

Pulling up to the house I seen couple of cars so I guess the gang was over, parking my car, the guard took all of my stuff with me helping me into the house.

Once I walked in the door it was the original people that were always here, JT, Shoota, Deja and then this time there was one more dude.

"Hey." I said dryly as I made my way inside.

"Yessss, she's finally here y'all men are annoying" Deja stated causing them to mug her, which made me bust out laughing.

"Um, that's my friend so don't get snatched up."Shoota said causing Deja to mug him back.

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