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Eddie jerked awake. The early summer sun streamed through his window, hitting his carpeted floor. He rubbed an eye and forced himself to sit up. He glanced at his clock, 7:05 AM. A yawn forced his mouth open and he threw his sheets off. He was just about to stand up when something hit his window. Eddie's breath got stuck in his chest as he jumped, his eyes going wide.

He turned around to face his window. What was that? A bird? He slowly approached it, mentally preparing himself to see a bird laying in his mother's flower bed. Instead, Richie's bike lay stranded in the yard and the aforementioned boy standing with rocks in his hand. Richie grinned and waved up at Eddie. He rolled his eyes and walked away from the window. Jumping when another rock hit his window.

Eddie turned and glared at it. The glare was supposed to be directed towards Richie, but Eddie couldn't see him from where he was standing. He quickly got dressed into a blue polo and shorts. He grabbed his fanny pack, making sure his inhaler was in there before running towards the bathroom. His mother always fussed over his hair, making sure it was nicely combed over every morning.

"Mom!" Eddie yelled down the stairs as he pulled his shoes on. "Can I go out with my friends?" His mother showed up at the bottom of the stairs. "What about breakfast?" Eddie sighed and shoved his foot into his shoe. "I'll- I'll eat something real quick," Eddie said only to satisfy his mom. "Okay," she said and moved to the kitchen, "how about pancakes?" Eddie shook his head and ran to the living room window. "I said something quick, I can't keep my friends waiting!" He peaked out the curtains to the front yard. Richie's bike was missing and so was he. Eddie's shoulders fell as he glanced around outside. "What are you looking at?" Eddie dropped the curtain and moved away. "Nothing," he said and joined his mother in the kitchen.

She handed him a granola bar and watched as he unwrapped it. "I want you back for lunch, alright?" She asked. Eddie repressed a groan and nodded. "Yes, mom." She smiled at him and patted his shoulder as she walked into the living room. Eddie quickly bit into the bar as he walked down the hallway towards the garage. He quickly got his bike out and left the house, searching for Richie.

"Richie?" He called putting as he rolled to a stop at the bottom of the driveway. "Richie, I know you're here." Eddie looked over his shoulder at his house. The blue glow of the TV shown through the see-through curtains of his living room. Eddie was about to turn back around when something caught his eye. A bike wheel peaked out from the side of his house. He narrowed his eyes and kicked off, slowly rolling closer to the edge of his yard.

"Richie?" Eddie asked. Richie was plastered to the side of the house, his bike leaning against it, too. "What are you doing?" Richie met his eyes and looked around the corner. "You know how I was in your yard, right?" He asked and Eddie nodded. "Yes. That's how I woke up, you asshole." A small smile appeared on Richie's face, but only for a second. "Well," he continued, "as I was waiting, I saw your mom in the kitchen. I got scared she'd see me so I went to go pick up my bike but I kind of misjudged how far away it was from me and might of... fallen over it."

Eddie snorted, he brought his hand up to his mouth as he laughed. "Fuck off," Richie said, grabbing the handles of his bike and stepped out into the sunlight. "It hurt!" Eddie bit his lip, composting himself. "Sorry, sorry," he said, taking in a deep breath. "So, you got scared because you fell?" Richie rolled his eyes and threw a leg over his bike. "No, when I fell it was kinda loud and I'm pretty sure your mom saw me so I ran over here."
Eddie smiled again. "So, you got scared because you fell." Richie paused and stared at Eddie, who was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. "Again, fuck off."

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