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Bill rolled the coin around his fingers as he thought of a question. He motioned for Stan, who was on this left, to lean closer as he cuffed a hand around his ear. The group watched Stan's face for any hint as to what the question could be. He narrowed his eyes and glanced over at Bill. "Do I.. uh, have to answer truthfully?" He asked slowly. "Yes!" Almost everyone said back. He pushed out a short breath and kept his gaze on the floor. "Yes," he muttered. A grin came onto Bill's face as he looked at Stanley. "Really?" He asked and Stan slapped his knee. "Yes! Now flip the coin." Bill did, throwing it up into the air before catching it, slapping it onto his hand. "It's tails," he said disappointingly. Stan's
shoulders fell with relief. "My turn," he said and took the coin.

He leaned away from Bill and towards Richie, quickly whispering his question to him. Richie narrowed his eyes and turned to stare at Stanley. "No," he said sternly. Ben asked, "No as in you're not answering.. or is no your answer?" Richie looked over at him. "No's the answer." Stanley tossed the coin into the air and let it fall to the ground. "It's.. heads!" He said, surprised. He and Richie let eyes. "It's heads, Rich."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time," Richie said and Stanley turned to the group. "The question was if Richie was going to tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" Eddie asked, but he knew well enough.

"Tell anyone about-" Stan started but got cut off by Richie clamping a hand over his mouth. "No! The rules said to tell the everyone the question, Ben said nothing about going any further," Richie said and Stan slapped him, wiggling out of his grasp. "I mean," Ben said as he shifted, "I could.." Beverly nodded and Richie quickly shook his head. "Too fucking late!"

"So, we're just going to be in the dark even if you got heads?" Mike asked slowly and Richie promptly nodded. "Yup." He sighed and the others looked disappointed, too. Richie didn't notice because he was busy leaned forward to grab the coin off the floor. He tossed the coin into the air as he thought. "Ooh, I have the perfect one," he said, his eyes lighting up with excitement. Eddie looked at Richie, scared.

The group watched as Eddie's eyes widened when Richie whispered his question. His eyes flickered to Richie's. "You better fucking hope that coin lands on tails," he said. "Well, what's your answer, Eddie Spaghetti?" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Sure," he muttered. Richie raised an eyebrow and leaned closer. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

Beverly made eye contact with Stan, a grin spreading over her face. He smiled too and shook his head a little. "I said yes!" Richie grinned and tossed the coin into the air before catching it. He met Eddie's worried eyes. "It's fine," he whispered over to him and he nodded. Richie opened his hand, the tails side facing up. Eddie smiled, relieved. Richie gave him the coin and he turned to Ben.

Eddie asked his question to Ben, who answered and asked his question to Mike, the cycle repeating itself. Mike leaned over and whispered to Beverly, a smile sliding onto her face. "Umm," she hummed as she scanned her friends faces. Her eyes lingered on Bill for a second, but she quickly darted them away.

"You, Mike. Totally you." Mike laughed out and nodded. "I'll- I'll take that," he said and flipped the coin. It landed near Beverly's foot, heads facing up. "I asked her who in this group would she take with her to go on a road trip across America," Mike said. Bill's shoulders fell, his eyes falling off Beverly and to the ground.

The Losers played a few more rounds before the questions slowly started to get more and more uninteresting. Beverly sighed and stood up. "Hey Rich," she said and pulled out her pack of cigarettes, shaking the pack at him, "Wanna head outside with me?"

Eddie noticed this and made a disgusted face. His eyes glancing over at Richie when he stood. "Sure," he said before turning to Eddie. "I'll be right back." Eddie scoffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah, after you blacken your lungs with those cancer sticks." Richie smiled and looked away. "You worry too much, Eds," he said and stepped back. Eddie watched him join Beverly before leaving to the stairs.

"W-why are y-you going upstairs?" Bill asked. Beverly laid a hand on the banister and leaned back. "We're going to your roof," she said and Richie climbed the stairs. "Why the roof?" Mike asked and she smiled. "Because we're cool like that."

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