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Richie woke up before Eddie did. He blinked at the midday sunlight streaming in through the windows as he got used to being awake. He pushed an arm into the armrest to sit up but paused when something shifted in his lap. He glanced down, his breath getting caught in his throat when he saw Eddie's head resting on his lap. He swallowed thickly and tried to calm himself down, his heart beating fast in his chest.

The tenseness of his legs slowly started to pull Eddie out of unconsciousness, his head turning to the side. Richie quickly relaxed into the couch, trying his best to keep Eddie asleep. He didn't dare move any further, stopping his breathing to make sure nothing stirred Eddie. Staying still for a while, he made sure Eddie was fully asleep before pulling his hand off the armrest and down to his lap.

A small smile slid onto Richie's face when he realized his other hand was still intertwined with Eddie's, the two slowly falling and rising as they laid on his chest. Richie relaxed deeper into the couch as he ran a thumb over the back of Eddie's hand soothingly.

The two laid there in silence, the only thing Richie was listening to were the birds outside and Eddie's breathing. If he was able to, Richie would stay like that forever with him.

But, nothing lasts. Richie was laying his head against the couch, looking outside when Eddie blinked awake. He breathed in deeply and looked up at Richie. It didn't take him long to realize his head was resting on Richie's lap.

Richie noticed the fault in Eddie's breathing and looked down. "Oh," he said softly, realizing he was awake. "Morning, Eds." Eddie met his eyes before quickly forcing himself up, their hands breaking apart. He swallowed and brought a hand up to hide his increasing red face. "Morning," he forced out. Richie smiled and moved closer to Eddie before wrapping his arms around the boys torso. Eddie started at Richie's arms, his heart skipping a beat. "It looks like someone likes to cuddle in their sleep," Richie teased. Eddie slapped his arms away. "Fuck off, Rich," he said as he stood and fixed his shirt.

Richie grinned and stood up before stretching, his shirt riding up his stomach. Eddie quickly looked away. "How was your nap, Eds?" He asked as his arms fell back to his sides. A yawn forced Eddie's mouth open, his hand raising to cover it. Richie snickered. "I have my answer," he said. Eddie made a face at him and Richie laughed.

"What time is it?" Richie asked. Eddie lifted his wrist to look at his digital watch. "Almost noon," he responded. Richie moved to the kitchen, Eddie following close behind. "Do you want something to eat? Oh! We can have pizza rolls again!" He suggested and Eddie shook his head. "I'm good, thanks Rich." His shoulders fell. "You're not hungry?"

"What? No, I'm fucking starving. I'm just not having pizza rolls ever again."

Richie huffed out a breath and opened the cabinet. "Pizza rolls are amazing, you just have bad taste buds." Eddie threw a hand in the air and narrowed his eyes. "What does that even mean? Pizza rolls just aren't the greatest, Rich," Eddie said. "They are too."

"Are not- wait, I am not doing that."

Richie laugh and grabbed his favorite cereal. "Why not, Eddie Spaghetti? Beverly did it." Eddie sighed and grabbed the cereal from Richie before he went to grab the bowls. "That- that's such a stupid nickname," Eddie said as he opened up the box. Richie shrugged and pushed a bowl across the counter to Eddie. "I like it. And I know you do, too."

"I do not."

"You do to."

"I do- fuck off!"


The two boys sat down next to each other as they ate cereal for lunch. "Hey Eds," Richie started. "That's not my name," Eddie reminded but Richie ignored him. "I know you wanted to hang out today but because my father loves me so, he's making me clean out the garage attic because of yesterday." Eddie swallowed his spoonful and raised an eyebrow. "Can't you just.. not do it?" He asked as he dipped his spoon into his bowl. "I wish," Richie said, breathing out a shirt laugh. "But if I don't I'll be grounded for even longer and it'll be this whole shitty situation. It'll just be easier to do this one thing and have it be over."

Eddie finished what was left of his cereal and slid off his chair. "You done?" He asked and Richie nodded. He grabbed the bowl from him and rounded the counter to set the dishes in the sink. "You know, I could help you with your chores," Eddie suggested as he turned around. Richie shook his head, crossing his arms on the table. "Thanks, Eds, but it's pretty fucking gross up there. You wouldn't like it."

Eddie looked off to the side. "I can still help, Richie. And I'm trying to get over the germ thing. I learned a lot from last summer." Richie studied him before nodding. "Alright, Eddie Spaghetti," he said with a grin. "You can help."


With no ventilation of any sort, the garage was stuffy and hotter than it was outside. Eddie followed Richie in, the heat prickling at the boys skin. "What should I do?" Eddie asked and watched as Richie maneuvered around his mom's old, unused car. He paused under a dangling rope, looking up at it. "Can you reach this?" He asked, pointing up to it.

Eddie looked between Richie and the rope. "Wow, Rich, could you be any funnier?" He asked sarcastically and Richie grinned. "Yes, actually." Eddie moved between the wall and the car to get to where Richie was standing. "It's okay, Eds my man, I can reach it," Richie said as he eyed the rope. He moved back, giving Richie room.

Richie looked up and reached his hand out, missing the rope by a few inches. He tried hopping to reach it and could only manage to hit it. "Fuck!" He yelled out and stopped his jumping. "Dork," said Eddie and Richie looked over at him. "Weirdo," he said back. Eddie smiled and shook his head. "I thought you said you could reach it. What's this, Richie?" His face fell as he stared at him. "Fuck of, Eddie."

"Do you want me to get a chair?" He asked and Richie sighed, fixing his glasses. "Nah, there's a step ladder somewhere in here. But can you get some coke please?" Eddie turned and walked back to the door. "Fine," he said.

Eddie returned with a two bottles of coke just as Richie was dragging the step ladder to the middle of the garage. "Thanks, Eds," Richie said as he grabbed the cold soda. "Don't call me that," Eddie reminded. Richie set up the ladder and climbed onto it, steadying his footing before craning his neck back. "Don't fall," Eddie said, watching as Richie reached up. "Scared for my safety?" He asked and Eddie rolled his eyes. "You can wish." Richie breathed out a laugh and tugged on the rope.

The door to the attic creaked open, the ladder threatening to slide down. "Watch out, Eddie," Richie said, motioning for Eddie to move. He did, walking around to stand behind Richie. He gave the rope another tug and the ladder came falling down, smacking against the concrete with a loud crack.

"Huh," Eddie said softly as he moved around the step ladder. The attic ladder landed just inches from where Eddie was first standing Richie turned and smiled down at him. "I just saved your life." Eddie snorted and shook his head. "Did not! I was standing here," he said and pointed to the ground. "And the ladder is there. I would've survived." Richie shrugged and jumped off the ladder before kicking it off to the side.

"Anyway," Richie moved around Eddie and went to the wall, grabbing a flashlight from the floor. "Ready to see whatever the fuck is up here?" Eddie looked up into the dark space and sucked in a breath. "I guess."

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