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It was the next day and the Losers decided to meet up at Bill's house for the weekend. Eddie went back to the hideout after helping Richie with the attic, which turned out to be not as bad as he thought. The two only got an hour in before giving up, the humidity of the garage finally getting to them. They cooled down next to one of the vents of Richie's living room, the two occasionally fighting for the cold air.

"Richie," Eddie had said, "You're taking all the fucking space. Move it." He elbowed him in the side and scooted closer. "Fuck off. And I'm not taking any of it, we're in the middle," Richie said, motioning to the vent and their positions. Eddie rolled his eyes and hovered an arm over the cold air. "Oh, now look at who's taking all of it!" Richie tried to gently shove Eddie out of the way, but he refused, forcing Richie to sit close to him so they could share.

Before they knew it 4 o'clock rolled around. "I should go before you dad gets back," Eddie said and Richie set a chin on his shoulder. "You could go.." he said, glancing up at Eddie's face, "but you could also stay." Eddie rolled his eyes and stood up, Richie's arms sliding out from Eddie's sides and falling onto the couch. "Yeah but, Rich, I also have a curfew. My mom always wants me back before dinner, remember?" Richie pushed himself off the couch and stood. "So? It's not like you've been gone past dinner before."

Eddie just shrugged and crossed the living room to the front hallway, Richie right behind him. "Can I at least walk you home?" He asked and opened the door for Eddie. He breathed in deeply and looked over his shoulder outside, watching for nosy neighbors or passerby's. He turned back around and grabbed at Richie's arm, pulling him down slightly before pressing a soft kiss to Richie's lips. The two stayed like that for a second before Richie broke away. A grin spread over his face and he quickly pecked Eddie's lips again. "Thanks, Rich," Eddie said and let his hands fall to his sides, "but your dad could come home any second."

Richie sighed and leaned his head against the door. "Fine," he said and watched as Eddie climbed the porch steps down. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Eddie said over his shoulder. "Bill's at noon, right?" Richie asked and he nodded. "Bill's at noon."


Eddie was the last one to arrive. Beverly and Ben sat on the porch, Beverly on the railing and Ben next to her, his arms crossed over it. "Hi guys," Eddie said as he hopped up the steps. Ben waved at him and Beverly nodded to the door. "Everyone's inside."

Eddie pushed the door open and walked in, his eyes instantly darting over to the living room where laugher drifted out. "Eddie!" Mike said, motioning him to come over. "Eddie's here?" Bill asked and walked into view. "Tell B-Beverly and Ben t-to come in-inside." Eddie nodded and stepped back to the door, popping his head out. "Hey guys, Bill wants you inside."

Beverly sighed and circled her legs over the railing before sliding off as Ben followed him inside. The three walked into the living room where chip bags and pop bottles lay about. "We were gone for not even 5 minutes," Beverly said as she looked around. "How'd it get so messy?"

"You left four guys alone, Bev. What'd you think would happen?" Richie asked, his eyes flickered over to Eddie. Stan snorted softly and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Actually, Richie, this was all you and Bill. Mike and I had nothing to do with this," he said and Mike shrugged. Richie tossed a hand in the air as he leaned back into the couch. "Thanks for throwing me under the bus here, Stanley."

Beverly brushed it off with a smile and went to sit on the ground near Mike. Eddie fell onto the couch next to Richie and Ben glanced around the room for a place to sit, finally deciding on the floor in front of the couch. "Well, everyone's here," Mike said, "What's first on the plan?"

The group instantly jumped into ideas of what they could do. Richie stayed silent, not once butting in with his opinion. Eddie caught onto this and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?" He asked and Richie looked at him. "Nothing." Eddie narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him. He sensed something was off, and he wanted Richie to talk, but quickly decided this wasn't the time or place to pry it out of him.

"Oh, guys," Ben said, his back straightening as an idea popped into his head. "There's a game I used to play with my cousins. It's called.. uh, Paranoia," he said. Bill raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, palms on his knees. "How do y-you play?"

"It's simple, really. Everyone gets into a circle and one person starts by whispering a question to the person on their right. Then, without anyone else knowing the question, the person who got asked it answers it out loud," he explained, a hand on his knee motioning around as he talked, "Then, someone flips a coin or a flip-flop and if it lands upright or on heads, then the question is said out loud. If it lands upside down or on tails, the question isn't said."

The group sat in silence for a second, thinking about the game. "Here's Ben coming up with the great sleepover games!" Richie said, making Ben smile. He jumped off the couch and sat on the ground, everyone else but Bill followed his movements until they were in a circle. Bill instead left to the kitchen to find a coin, soon returning and joining the group. "Who wants to go first?" He asked.

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