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The sun still hung high in the sky for it being 5:30, the time the two boys finally got back to Richie's house. A car was parked in the driveway, signaling that Richie's dad was home. After the attic was cleaned out, Wentworth ungrounded his son but the rules stayed the same. No one in this house unless permission is given.

"Hey, Eds," Richie said when they dumped their bikes on the side of his house. "My dad's home and he likes his house to be a prison. You know, no friends over, staying inside room - you get it." Eddie laughed quietly and nodded, glancing over at the house. "Alright, Rich."

Richie pushed the front door open. He walked in first, peeking around in the kitchen and living room. Both were empty. He motioned for Eddie to walk in and they both ran up the stairs to his room. "Wow! Like ninjas," Richie said as he closed the bedroom door. Eddie shook his head as sat down on the bed. "Yeah, ninjas that run up stairs loudly."

"Yeah, you should be a bit quieter next time."

Eddie's eyes snapped over to his. "Me?" He asked, motioning to himself. "Did you hear yourself? It was like 1000 elephants running up those stairs." Richie laughed, soon joining him on the bed.


They spent the rest of the day in Richie's room. Eddie found paper and pencils in the drawers of the desk and brought up the idea of having a drawing contest. Music played quietly in the background as pencils scratched onto paper.

"I'm done, wanna see?" Richie asked, a grin coming onto his face. "Wait," Eddie mumbled. His eyebrows were drawn close in concentration as he finished his the last few lines of his drawing. "Okay," he said and Richie flipped over his paper.

It was a sketch of a bigger woman and Richie, hearts surrounding them. Eddie's curious expression fell as he looked at him. "Really? You drew a your mom joke?"

"I wanted to draw what was near and dear to my heart."

Eddie rolled his eyes and dropped his pencil onto the desk. "I thought you'd stop with the jokes after what my mom did, but I guess not," he said, trailing his words off. "I gotta keep the tradition alive, Eds," Richie explained, setting his drawing down. "Now let's see yours."

Eddie glanced down at his sketch. "Uhh.. I don't think you'd want to see this.." Richie snorted and stood up. "That's ridiculous. What is it?" Eddie grabbed his paper, holding it behind his back and Richie raised an eyebrow. "Making me work for it, huh Eds?" He asked teasingly. Eddie narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the red spreading across his cheeks.

Richie stepped forward and grabbed for the paper, missing when Eddie moved it away. Richie caught his arms and grabbed the paper out of his grasp. "Richie, please," Eddie began but was silenced when Richie jumped onto his lap. "You're crushing me!" He yelled, slapping at Richie's body. Richie casted a quick glance to the door before turning back around, pressing a quick kiss to Eddie.

"You have to be quiet, remember?" He whispered. Eddie quickly nodded, his words getting stuck in his throat. Richie smiled and unraveled the paper, much to Eddie's dismay. He paused, staring at it. "Oh.."

It was a neat drawing of him and Eddie, a small dog laying at their feet. Richie, me, and our future dog was scrawled at the top. He placed a hand over his heart and grinned. "Eds this is adorable. Now I feel bad about my drawing." Eddie rolled his eyes and forced the drawing out of Richie's hands. "You fucking saw nothing," he said and Richie grinned.

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