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Eddie pulled away, stumbling back into the house. "Richie," he said. His lips tingled and his heart started to beat out of his chest. Richie chuckled nervously and walked backwards, almost falling down the porch steps. "Gotta go, Eds!" He yelled as he dashed down the yard and to his bike.

Richie's name was on the tip of Eddie's tongue. He tried to move forward but his jello legs refused to move. By that point, Richie was far gone.

"Eddie!" Sonia yelled. "Money is flying out that door," she said and walked up behind him. Eddie dodged out of the way as his mother shut the door. She placed a hand on his chin, forcing him to look up at her. "You look dazed. Are you okay, Eddie?"

Eddie breathed in sharply and nodded. "Yes, momma. I'm fine. It's just.. really hot out." She took her hand back and looked to the kitchen. "You want some water? If it's hot out you should stay inside," she said as she walked across the floor, her weight making the floor creak from under her.

Eddie didn't respond and she turned around. "Eddie?" She asked when her eyes fell on empty space. A door from upstairs shut and Sonia's mouth fell into a thin line.

Eddie placed his hands on his head and that's when he began to freak out. He clamped his mouth shut and screamed as he spun around his room. "Richard fucking Tozier- he-" He sputtered before placing a hand gently on his lips.

"He kissed me."

He swallowed thickly, removing the nervous ball in his throat. "He.. kissed me. Was that for fucking real?" He brought his wrist up and pinched hard. An indent of his nails lingered on his skin as red blistered up. Nope. Not dreaming.

Eddie closed his eyes and sat down on his bed. His lips tingled, the ghost of Richie's lips still pressed up to his. He breathed in steadily and fell back. Staring up to the ceiling, he replayed what happened in his head.

Richie grabbed Eddie's face in his hands and kissed him.. And Eddie.. liked it. He groaned and pressed his hands to his face. He actually liked the kiss he had with Richie Tozier.

But, Eddie wasn't gay. He's never had a crush on a boy. Richie's his best friend, he likes being around him and as stupid and sometimes disgusting as his jokes are, Eddie can't help but internally giggle at them. They're friends. Best friends.

Eddie closed his eyes and forced his mind to focus on one thing, but it refused. Thoughts flew around in his head and he became increasingly more and more confused on everything about himself.


Sonia called Eddie down for dinner. He forced himself up and sat there for a second, letting his body get used to sitting up after laying down for so long.

He walked downstairs and saw his mother already sitting. Steam curled into the air from the spaghetti as his mom picked up a fork. He slid into the chair across from Sonia.

"Hi, Eddie," she said. "I've barely seen you all day. Is everything okay?" Eddie's eyes trailed around the food, seeing how the spaghetti folded into itself.

"Whatever you say, Eddie Spaghetti," Richie said, chuckling.

"I'm okay," Eddie said and picked up his fork. "It's just been a long day." Sonia smiled and nodded. "Have you drank enough water today? What about your pills?" Eddie smashed his fork into his food and looked up at her. "The pills do nothing," he said. Her eyes flickered up to him from behind her glasses. "Excuse me? Eddie, I think you've forgotten." Eddie sucked in a breathed and shook his head. "No.. The pills don't do anything. They never have."

Sonia stared at her son and the grip on her fork tightened. "Those pills are there to help you get better," she said and Eddie leaned forward over the table. "Remember from last summer? They don't do anything! They're Placebos!"

Silence hung in the air and Sonia shook her head. "Eat up. Your food will get cold." She refused for say anymore and Eddie was too mentally exhausted to argue further. He picked his fork back up and angrily stabbed it into the spaghetti.

The rest of the dinner was in silence, the only thing filling the air was the clinking of forks and plates. Sonia attempted at conversation again, but Eddie only gave short answers. Richie bounced around in his mind, never leaving him alone.

Eddie placed down his fork and shifted in his seat. "Momma," he said, his voice barely coming out. She paused and looked up. "Yes, Eddie?"

He spun the fork around his clammy hands. "I need to tell you something." Sonia took a drink from her water and motioned for Eddie to continue. "What is it?" She asked as she set down her glass.

Eddie racked his head for something to spit out. He got this far, he could do it. His leg bounced rapidly and he pulled his hand to his mouth.

"Eddie?" She asked but Eddie heard nothing. The thoughts in his head were louder than anything outside of his mind. "Ma.." he said softly. He bowed his head just as overwhelmed tears pooled in his eyes.

"I.. I think.. that I'm.." Eddie took in a shaky breath and looked up. Sonia's eyebrows pulled together when she saw his eyes glimmer with tears.

"I think I'm gay."

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