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Mike dropped his backpack on the floor as Bill slid into a chair across from him. "I mean, visiting my childhood town sounds nice," Bill said, continuing the conversation, "but it'll be weird if I don't remember anyone, Mikey." After Bill moved away, his parents hired a speech therapist for him. It took a year or two, but Bill was finally talking without messing up on his words.

"You'll remember everything when we arrive at Derry. Plus, everyone will be so excited to see you again," Mike urged, leaning over the table. Bill sat back in the chair as he stared at his old friend, thinking it over. He finally sighed and rubbed an eye. "Okay," he said and Mike grinned. "I needed something to do next weekend anyway."


The two college students arrived in Derry late in the evening, the sky taking its time to darken. As the car rumbled down familiar streets, things slowly started to come back to Bill. He pressed a finger to the window and turned to Mike, a small smile on his face. "Right up that path is the quarry, right?" He asked.

Mike smiled and clapped Bill on the shoulder. "That's right! See, I told you you'd remember." Bill nodded, the small smile lingering on his face as Mike drove towards their destination.

Cars were already parked in the driveway, forcing Mike to pull over next to the curb. "Ready for this?" He asked as he cut the engine. Bill breathed in shakily as he stared up at the nice looking house. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The door flung open before the two even got to the front steps. The first thing Bill noticed was the curly mess of red hair that brushed against the girls shoulders, then he noticed the glimmer of tears. She smiled brightly and ran onto the porch as more people gathered at the door. "Holy fuck! It's actually Big Bill," Richie said, a hand gripping the doorframe. "In the flesh," Bill responded.

Beverly remembered the amnesia Mike mentioned in his letter and refrained herself from running to him and tackling him in a hug. Bill studied Beverly, a memory coming to him.

a drawing?

It was blurry, but it was there. "Beverly," he said with a smile and held out his arms. She laughed out a sob and happily obliged to the hug. "I've missed you, you fucker," she said and he laughed, not minding the name calling.

The two pulled apart and Mike shooed the group inside. Excitement buzzed in the air as the Loser's crowded inside Richie's living room. Maggie sat across the hall in the kitchen, glancing up from her book as the commotion grew.

"Bill, you have some serious explaining, man," Richie said from his spot at the armrest. He refused to sit, too excited from the sight of an old friend to stay still. Bill casted a glance to Mike, who stood next to him in the middle of the living room. "I.. um.." he said slowly as he faced the group. He was clearly struggling to think of something to say and Eddie piped up.

"Let me make this easy for you.. after you moved away, why didn't you call or send a letter? We waited months for you, you know!" Eddie sat on the couch Richie was leaning on, his hands balled in his lap. "I.. don't know," Bill said, glancing down to the ground. "I honestly don't remember much from Derry. I should though, I lived 14 years here."

"Your stutter," Stanley said, "it's gone." Bill nodded and brought a hand to his jaw. "Yeah.. I got a speech therapist when I was a teen," he explained and dropped his hand. Even with the excitement buzzing around in the air, awkwardness also hung. Bill didn't know how to explain to these people how or why he didn't fully remember them, he just didn't.

"Did you hit your head or some shit after you moved? Is that why you don't remember?" Richie asked and Bill shook his head. "No. I just.. don't remember. It's hard to explain." Ben sighed and pulled a leg up onto the couch. "Well you're here now, and that's what matters, right?" He asked. Bill looked up at him, a face he vaguely remembers.


Once night fell, Maggie came into the living room to say goodnight. "There's um, some food in the kitchen if you kids are hungry," she said as she tapped on the doorframe. Richie nodded and glanced at his friends for any sign of hunger. "Alright. Thanks," he said and she nodded before heading up the stairs.

"I don't remember your mom being so.. sober, Rich," Bill said after he heard a door close from upstairs. Eddie looked at Richie as he shrugged. "She came around after my dad decided to ditch us." Bill blinked, not expecting the blunt surprise. "Oh.." he said softly. "Don't be sorry," Richie said, "my dad was a douche."

Bill couldn't help but laugh softly. He's only been with his childhood friends for a few hours at this point, but it's like things never changed - like he never left.

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