Valentines Day

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Mirae's POV

               Valentines Day is coming and there were many preparations going on in the campus. As for me, I , alongside a few other students from the same course, had been given a task to decorate a huge wall in the campus's main building with "Love" as the theme. The whole wall had to be done by end of this week, which basically means I had 4 days left since the school is celebrating Valentines on Friday and not Saturday as there is no class on that day. Plus, grades will be awarded for this. This whole week is gonna be so busy.

               "Mirae, can you help me paint this?" asked one of the students. "Yeah, sure." I smiled and took a paint brush and started painting. The group of us had already came out with the design of the wall and had just started paint a small part of the huge wall. "Looking busy there." a voice said and I whipped my head around to see Serri smiling with a big box in her arms. "Hey. Yeah, you can say that. Just look at the size of this." I chuckled as I pointed to the wall. "Yeah, I pity you guys but hey, it's the main wall of this whole school and your name will be displayed on it as well. You should be proud." Serri winked as I laughed a little.

               "What's that?" I asked as I peered into the big box she was carrying. "Oh, just a box with roses, chocolates, stuffed teddy bears, cards and stuffs." she chuckled. "What are you doing for the event?" I asked. "Well, my group and I are setting up a booth where we're gonna sell these stuffs. It's for charity too." she smiled. "Ah, geurae? I'll stop by your booth then." I giggled. Serri giggled and then waved as she left. I then continued with my work.

               After a few hours of painting, we decided to take a break. I then went to the cafeteria to get some food. After buying a sandwich and a bottled drink, I went back. Suddenly, someone tapped me by the shoulder. "Oh, Jaehyun. Annyeong." I smiled when I saw him standing behind. "Annyeong. Where have you been? Haven't seen you since this morning." Jaehyun asked. "Well, I'm busy painting the huge wall in the main building." I chuckled. "Ah, no wonder. So how's it going?" he asked as he took a sip from the canned drink in his hand. "Good, so far. Though there's still a lot more to be done." I said with a small smile.

               "Anyways, are you doing anything special for the upcoming event?" I asked as I looked up at him. "Nah, nothing special." he smirked. "You know, I heard there's a lot of confessions going around." he said. "Confessions?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, since Valentines's coming, a lot of people kinda took the courage to confess to the person they like." he answered. "Ah, i see..." I said softly. "Anyone you have to confess your love to?" Jaehyun asked all of a sudden which caught me off guard. "Erm, no." I replied. "What about you?" I quickly added.

Jaehyun's POV

               "Anyone you have to confess your love to?" I asked which I noticed caught Mirae off guard. "Erm, no." she replied. *Hmm* "What about you?" she quickly added. "Me? Well... I think there is this person I like." I smiled. "Really? Who? You never told me you had crush on someone." she said as she punched my arm playfully. "Well, that's because..." I said as my voice trailed off. "Because?" she asked urging me to continue. *Because that person is you.* "Nothing." I smiled. I saw Mirae pouting and looked forward. "Well, then. I'm going that way. See you around. Have fun painting!" I said as I left for the opposite way. *Maybe I should confess to her soon too.*

Mirae's POV

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